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Here SD, let me get a dictionary for you...

Lottie's picture

I am a long time reader here but I don't think I have ever posted. I have one SD20. I am lucky that I don't really ever have to deal with her because she chooses to live in another state. A few months ago she posted on my Facebook wall that my DH didn't care if she was homeless, she is living on the streets starving,etc. So I deleted her comments and unfriended her.

She actually has three homes she can live in. Ours, her Grandparent's and her Aunt's. Just because she refuses to follow anyone's house rules, which are either get a job or go to school, doesnt mean you are homeless. You are making a decision not to live where you have to actually be an adult.

She sent him a text yesterday. She hasn't eaten for days. She is too weak to walk to the food pantry. He asked what happened to the money he already sent her this month. He sends a set amount monthly for her. Then he suggested that her and her boyfriend get jobs. That didn't go over well. Now she is mad that I unfriended her and she wants him to "do something about it".

I think I was smart to unfriend. I don't want my family reading those lies about DH. She posts on Facebook about parties she goes to, etc. I don't believe for a minute that she is starving to death the day after she posted about all of the new clothes she bought.

Ugh. Sorry, I needed to vent.

Icansorelate's picture

She sounds like a lovely young woman. I am glad for you that she is not living in your home.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I think you should amend your post to say "her grandparent's and her aunt's". Just leave your house out of the equation all together. You do not want to put that out into the universe. No way she can live with you.

ETexasMom's picture

I not only unfriended the steps from my Facebook page I also blocked them! No reason for them to be able to see me if they can't figure out how to treat me respectfully!

Last In Line's picture

I'd never allow a lazy, jobless by choice human into MY house! Stay strong. Don't engage her. Let her be mad. Your husband has been enabling her by sending monthly funds, I'd want that cut out too. (And I have done this to my OWN child, he figured it out, got off the street and got a job once he realized I really did mean that I was sending no more money his way.)

AmIWicked's picture

I've done that before when hiking long distance. It would be funny to send the SD a box of borax, which people like my grandma used daily in cleaning.
Or bring her a spray bottle with water and lemon peels in it.
-Tell her it doubles as deoderant AND perfume!! LOL!!!
I have no pity on people like this. They just don't want to grow up and as long as they have enablers they will keep doing what they are doing.

hereiam's picture

Poor thing, she has a cell phone with which to text, gets money every month, buys clothes, but is homeless and hasn't eaten for days? Homelessness is a lot different than I thought.

Rags's picture

Good riddance that she is gone. It is a good thing that she is feeling the consequences of her decisions and actions. You and DH need to stay the course.

DH needs to quit sendineg her any money..... ever. She has made her own bed, she can wallow in that bed with the pigs of her own choices.

Lottie's picture

She called me a bitch because I apparently don't care about her in her time of need. He defended me and told her she only talks to him when she wants more money. She went straight for the "you have never been a real dad to me!" even though he had primary custody for most of her life. Then she ended with saying how BM is the only one who really cares!

sundowner's picture

Get the message out..SD20 is "homeless"( without a place to play the parasite) because she has refused to make one for herself..BooFlippin Hoo...

SweetMom's picture

Good grief.. What a little snot! Tell her to join the army, they'll straighten her out. What a ungrateful self obsorbed person to say to someone that's sent them money that they don't care for them. When she said BM was the only one there for her he should have said ," let BM send you money since she's so much better than us" and her calling you a bitch is UNACCEPTABLE.