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How do I keep the steps out of my space while away?

stepmom22boys's picture

I leave tomorrow and will be gone until early next week. DH is not joining me because he has his boys the majority of the time in which I am away. My concern/issue is the steps snoop in my drawers, closet, and bathroom. Other than placing sex toys on the tops of drawers, what are some other ways to keep them out of my stuff? My daughter is also traveling with me, and the steps go into her room and take whatever they want. For her room, I am going to place 20 or so wooden rat traps on her floor. }:)


stepmom22boys's picture

He would never tell his kids no to anything...because if he did, they wouldn't want to come over to visit him! He seems to not notice when they enter our bedroom and starting looking in my drawers.

stepmom22boys's picture

So far, they haven't taken anything. I think they prepare a mental report for BM because she always seems to know details that she shouldn't know.

oldone's picture

I have a really expensive piece of jewelry that I hid so well that I lost it for 5 years. I finally found it in a purse that I'd flown with (in my baggage) 4-5 times but I'd never opened and used. I'd even moved and had my stuff in and out of storage.

imjustthemaid's picture

If I leave the house with SD in it I lock my bedroom door. But I understand your DH will be home.

A couple of months ago I went away and left DH home with SD16 and DD11. I was paranoid the entire time that SD was in my shit. She kinda was (they were in my bed watching a movie, I lost my shit over it) it was a nightmare.

All I can say is hide anything you don't want stolen. I took a lot of my stuff with me and put it in my trunk. Are you driving or flying? The problem is with hiding things is I forget where I put everything.