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Survived our family trip...but something else to make me go hmm

stepper47's picture

Our family trip that has caused me such anxiety has come and gone, and it was good.  Other than rain messing with our plans, all went well, everyone got along and enjoyed themselves, and we got to spend some quality time with our kids.  Even SD16.  As I thought, she acted as though nothing has happened, and DH did too of course.  I am starting to believe that her extreme reactions is mostly how she has learned might get her way.  I am sure there is some truth to her feelings behind them, but truly there is nothing that has occurred in our life since I have been around that would cause someone to treat their father like she does.  I have seen and heard her treat her mother with disrespect, and by what has happened it looks like most of the time her mom rolls over.   For example, BM gave SD her leased car to drive after she got her license, and is driving an older, lesser car herself.  On the way home from our trip, SD called her and was yelling, "what??? You're driving MY car???  I didn't say you could drive MY car, take it home!! are filling it up?  You better fill it all the way!".  So, I really think she has been taught by both her parents she can bully her way into what she wants, and the difference is that DH finally started standing up to it.  So she verbally abuses and freezes him out...  but it doesn't seem like it means that much to her if she can go on vacation and act like everything is fine. It was not an exciting vacation, not something that she could not have easily passed up.  So...I guess it is what it is. I am going to stop carrying around this load of guilt feeling like I have ruined her life.  I have to let go of worrying about hers and DHs relationship, and whether he is responding to her like I feel would be right.  I need to make sure I always treat her with kindness, but I am going to stop putting pressure on myself to do or act like I think she wants me to.  I really don't think I have that much significance to her life, and I have to stop allowing this situation to have so much significance in mine because it gives me enough anxiety to where it spills over to other things.

 The only negative thing that happened on the trip (from my perspective) is that she was talking about how the lease on "her" car is up in a year, and then her grandparents are going to sell her their newer SUV for a very low price (which as far as I have seen, neither they nor her mother have contributed much, if at all, toward her brother's transportation or school.  Which makes me feel bad for him...and illustrates how she is favored.  But that falls in the "not my business" category, I know).As we are driving home, SD said to DH "you said you would give me 3-4k for a car, so if you give me the money you would spend on a varsity jacket and a class ring, that will put me close to what I need". DH agreed he had told her that.  I didnt say anything but I was like...oh really.  A while back, we had discussed a plan for her...we had an older SUV for her to drive for a year or so, if she proved herself we would invest $3-4k in something more her taste.   Then her mom gave her a car bc ours wasnt good enough, then she started acting awful toward DH...and I hadn't considered our idea was still a thing, let alone that he had talked to her about it.  He and I recently came into some money as a gift from one of my relatives, not a ton but enough to where we have talked about our budget a lot lately, looking at our future and what major expenses that we know we have coming up.  He has never once mentioned giving SD money for a car...and frankly if she is acting like a disrespectful, mean person who shuts him out, I don't want to give her our money for a car.  And to have her bring it up, after months of her blowing him off...and him agreeing....makes me feel mistrustful of him.  I brought it up after, when we were by ourselves, how it has never come up in our budget discussions, and he kind of blew it off and just said he figured that was a year away.  We were talking about our budget over several years, so it feels like he is holding this from me.   I am not sure if this is something I should pursue with him, or if it is another thing that should fall in the "let it go" category, since it is something we had talked about at one point.  It's really bothering me though, and I am not sure if it should be...

TM18's picture

I’d say the nastiness is a way of control for SD and when she’s with you for long periods she can’t keep it up. I’ve been thinking about this with my SD16 lately too. I’ve seen her for a total of about 30 uncomfortable tense mins this year until yesterday when she txt and wanted to come to the house when she knew only I would be home. She’s said and done some horrible things to and about DH and I and so I thought maybe she might want to apologise. No such luck. She put on a fake smile, acted like nothing had happened and didn’t bring up any of the things she’s done or said, just updated me on her life. Then she left after saying she’s glad we’ve sorted this all out (we haven’t) but she’s not bothered about sorting things out with DHs parents who have done nothing but support DH and I. This makes me think SD just needs someone to be awful to at all times, and currently the focus is off of us and on to the grandparents. I’m wondering what the purpose was of this ‘smoothing over visit’, if I should be expecting a request for something. Or BM needs us onside....

With regards to the car, it is your business if it’s going to financially impact you at some point. I’ve had this exact conversation with DH in the last few weeks. We’ve agreed there’s to be no financial talk with SD without us both agreeing. 


stepper47's picture

Funny how these SDs think that by making an appearance and acting like nothing has happened clears everything up.  I think that is just part of the age and immaturity, act like nothing happened and it just all goes away.  My SD has never really been taught to take responsibility for her words and actions, so I don't know that she would know how to apologize even if she wanted to. Sorry you are going through something similar.  Maybe your SD came to see you as a way to break the ice.  One can hope, anyway! 

Jcksjj's picture

I dont think it goes away with age necessarily. I know plenty of adults who are still like that. Zero shame. Unfortunately it works with alot of people so it doesnt really change.

Harry's picture

giving SD money for a car.  Your problem is your DH, not your SD.   He doing thing behind your back that is disrespectful.  If he disrespect you openly how do you expect SD to have any respect for you.  SD is out  to get what she wants, That all she cares about.  She treats her BM like sh*t she is not going to treat you better. 

stepper47's picture

You are correct on all counts.  *I* will not be giving SD money for a car.  He and I talked about it today and I told him if he feels he needs to do that, he is welcome to get a 2nd job to bank it for the next year.  I don't think he means to disrespect me, I think he gets so caught up in his fear that he tries to appease her with things without thinking it through.  We have talked about that too, more than once, some day maybe he will think it through before he speaks

HermosaVogue's picture

So pleased to read this... exactly what I had thought. He’s welcome to give his money, and joint money no. You’re very kind to say that he just doesn’t think things through... but he goddam needs to start. He’s an adult man and I’m sure very capable. I get the pressure, but let him know there’s nothing wrong with silence or a “I need to think about it” instead of hurriedly SD pleasing. 

Harry's picture

giving SD money for a car.  Your problem is your DH, not your SD.   He doing thing behind your back that is disrespectful.  If he disrespect you openly how do you expect SD to have any respect for you.  SD is out  to get what she wants, That all she cares about.  She treats her BM like sh*t she is not going to treat you better. 

Thisisnotus's picture

Ugh! This should definitley bother  you and something worth standing your ground over. I am about to do the same thing is a similar situation. I just won't have it. You offered her a wasn't good enough... END of story.

My DH pays 1K per month CS for a 12 and 16 year old. He seems them 50% of the time, pays half of a any medical bills or activity bills or anything bills,  buys them school stuff, clothes, and anything else they need/want. Drives me crazy b/c BM buys them NOTHING and it's not b/c she doesn't have money....she makes more money than DH.

DH told SD without ever telling or asking me that he will help out with her car insurance when she gets a car. That is going to be a big fat no and will cause a problem in my marriage. BM can pay or SD can pay, but it's not coming out of my household.

stepper47's picture

We actually went through the insurance thing when my SS got his license.  My thought was that we give our kids a car, they pay their gas and insurance.  That is how DH and I both were brought up, and we talked about it but I guess he never actually agreed bc I found out after the fact that he was paying SS's car insurance.   That was a problem, and at the time, DH just thought I was hyper critical and against his kids so he wasnt really hearing me.  I do not make big decisions like that without running it by DH, not regarding my child or anything.  For me, marriage is being an equal partner in all things.  My DH finally sees where I am coming from, but this guilt parenting stuff makes him fall off the rails sometimes.  Sorry you are in the same spot, I hope your DH is receptive to what you have to say.  It is hard to break through the defensiveness sometimes

Rags's picture

Pompous little shits don't get money.  Particularly after delivering a bunch of shit and attitude towards their father.

stepper47's picture

Yessssss.  Entitled.....girl, nobody owes you anything.  I know he is afraid if he says no now, hellfire will rain down....I say...let it.....

Rags's picture

The only hellfire should rain down from daddy to the toxic spawn.  The opposite direction does not compute for me and would be met with such unpleasant consequences that I would not have considered it as a kid.