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SD15 Gloom and Doom

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My SD15 was with us again this weekend. We found out that she and BM were withholding information from us. She is leaving to spend spring break with a friend, which we said was OK. Now two days before she leaves, we find out that another friend is going and she's a problem kid.

I just had a conversation with BM last week about how we won't be allowing SD to bring problem kid over for visits and we feel their time together should be limited. She totally agreed, yet yesterday we find out they'll be spending 10 days together in FL?

I should have listened to my SS when he said BM was just telling us what we wanted to hear.

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I handle most everything with BM. She'd off when DH is at work and vice versa. It's in the divorce decree that SD can't leave the state without permission from both parents. We also only get to talk to her at her convenience. Her son called her for 5 days straight before I got a return call. He just wanted to talk to his BM, so she called me back while he was in school to make sure everything was OK.

I spoke to BM last week about problem child and her behavior at our home and told her we wouldn't be having her back. BM agreed and gave me a song and dance about how she had issues with her and is limiting their contact.

Yesterday BM admitted she knew, but didn't want DH to know. Problem kid is a drug user, who has used drugs with SD. BM is a former drug user and trying to be SD's friend.

BM also went into a rant about how if he still loved her and held up to the committment he made to God they could have worked through their problems. Did I mention she's a lesbian and reformed crack addict...they've been divorced 10years/separated 11. Most men don't like when their wives have girl friends or a drug habit. She's bat shit crazy and manipulative and teaching SD to be the same way.