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Is this really an unreasonable request???

momto3's picture

Two days ago I had the following conversation with SD15:

Me: "Hey, could you please do me a favor and not post any pics of DD13 & DD8 on your Instagram anymore?"
Her: "Why?"
Me: "I see your mom is now following you and I really would rather her not have access to anything to do with them." (SD & I follow each other on there & I noticed her mom liked a pic that's how I found out)

She gave me a look, so I followed it up with "I'm ok with your mom following you or you following her, that's fine. I have no problem with that."

Well here it is two days later & she deleted her mom as a follower (she wasn't following her mom apparently) and hasn't spoken to me since then. Really??? Is it too much to ask her not to put my kids out there for her crazy ass mother to see or comment on. I have had nothing but bad history with that woman and honestly it's been quiet for a few years now. I'd like it to remain that way. This is the same lady who tried ot help my ex get custody of my oldest, so yeah, no love loss there.

Disneyfan's picture

Not unreasonable at all. I think both parents should be in agreement before anyone is allowed to post pictures of their kids on the internet.

Of course when BMs request that SMs not post pictures of their kids, all hell breaks out.

VioletsareBlue's picture

I took that as the poster trying to reassure the skid that she wasn't asking her to delete her mom from the account. Trying to make it clear that that is not what she was asking her to do.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Not unreasonable at all. You are the parent of your kids, and you have every LEGAL right to monitor what is posted on the internet of your own children. Just like if my husband's ex did not want my kids to post pictures of my SD anywhere on the web, it would gladly talk to my children about complying, because until my SD is 18, DH and BM have final say how my SD is portrayed on the web. Now, if my SD goes against their requests, that is her problem.

Shaman29's picture

They're your kids and the internet is an open book.

If you don't want pics of your kids out there, you have the right to tell people not to post them.

momto3's picture

Yeah, I was not being condescending at all HRNYC, I was just letting her know that's its fine if she wishes to follow her mom and vice versa. I have no qualms about that. SD15 is a kid who doesn't like conflict & likes to try & please everyone, so I didn't want her to feel like I was punishing her for her mom following her. I just don't need any unneeded ammunition for BM...not that any pics were bad, but my kids are off limits to her as far as I'm concerned.

And Echo, that's exactly what happened. It thankfully blew over...or at least she started speaking to me again.

Transparent's picture

Absolutely not. I've told my SD the same thing. I don't want pics of me or my daughter on any site that can be seen by your mother. I consider that personal stuff and its nothing I want to share with her mom