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Mom looking for insight to save marriage

Zumagirl's picture

Hi everyone, I have 2 DS, ages 17 & 19. I met my DH 6 yrs ago. He had never been married, no kids. When I met him he had been laid off from his job. He wanted to start a business so within 6 mos. he moved in with me. I was the primary bread winner while he worked out of the home building his business. For the 1st yr of our relationship, he stayed out of any parenting issues. Basically supported me, allowed me to vent, helped out when I asked. Btw, my oldest son has Asperger's just to make things a little more difficult.

After a year, we got engaged. He stated that he wanted to get more involved, and after being a single mom for 6 yrs with zero involvement from the BD, I was thrilled. I agreed to him settings some new expectations & creating consequences. In retrospect, I made a huge mistake. I think I created a monster. He insisted the kids spend 4-5 hours every Saturday cleaning the house & insisted that I let the cleaning woman go (keep in mind, I am making the money). I was initially fine with adding responsibilities but I cringed when I saw his management skills. He criticized EVERYTHING they did. If they walked the dog, it wasn't long enough, if they cleaned the dishes, he examined them and made them re-wash. When they went above and beyond, I asked for him to acknowledge them... He was busy and would when he had a free minute, and of course the minute never came. After a year of that, I objected because I saw the negative impact on my kids... They had already been abandoned by their BD, I couldn't stand what was happening. I tried to deal with it case by case & day by day.

2years ago after he started making good money, he encouraged me to quit my job and start my own business. Since then, our marriage has gradually gotten much worse. He thinks my DS's are the most horrible kids on the planet. And he constantly references his own perfect behavior as child (which his own mother thinks is garbage) They are decent students, never been any trouble, really they don't go to parties, their big crime is staying up late watching TV (which keeps him awake) and eating too much food (and they are both thin!) ... They wouldn't dream of being disrespectful but they don't really feel any love for my DH. They pretty much disengage. When they make a mess in the kitchen or ignore his requests to wash the car... He bitches me out. He has become extremely controlling of money and doesn't want me to spend a penny on either child.... Including gas money or even giving them money for haircuts.

What's going on? Is he jealous of them? He really has nothing to compare to... They are the only teenagers he is exposed to since I was a young mom and most of our friends have young kids. I keep telling him that he needs to find things to be positive about and acknowledge them, but he says they are mediocre and the day they do anything above the minimum he'll acknowledge it.

Even though I've begged and pleaded with him to open his heart, he expects them to make changes first. I have been a mom since I was 23 & I don't know what it's like to only have myself to take care of. I really need to understand what I'm missing. I don't want to get divorced but I am aware the resentment is building and I can't love someone who acts like they hate my kids.

Any feedback is appreciated.

Krispey Kreme's picture

Maybe this is the real him and he was on his best behavior before. Maybe more is going on than you know. You could try family counseling. Or you could cut your losses and get him out of your house if you think it isn't going to work out. If he is acting this way with no reason to do so, he sounds like a control freak and a bully.

Zumagirl's picture

Thank you! The weird part is that outside of our family, he's a really sweet guy. Our friends/neighbors wouldn't have any clue... He's so generous with everyone, except for us. Even his mom gets upset with the way he treats my boys. It's like he's in competition with them... And as long as they bow down to him and he gets more, he wins. If he feels like he's competing, what could I say or do that would help him understand?'s picture

It sounds like he's a control freak. You don't say how your business is doing. But my guess is he talked you into quitting your job so he could control you with HIS money. If you have your own money, he shouldn't have any say in how you spend it. He is trying to control the kids into being perfect, which of course is impossible, so it will be never-ending. It's possible he was parented that way. I was. My mom would bitch at me about how I did dishes- I put them in the dishwasher differently than she would. So I wouldn't want to do dishes because I knew I wasn't going to do them right. So then she'd get mad at me...I couldn't win. It is easy to get into that pattern with skids. He just needs to stop. Period.

Zumagirl's picture

Yes, pretty much. We get along when they aren't around unless he chooses to start complaining. I have gotten so sensitive to the negativity that I've become very defensive. He blames every problem on them.

And if I try to praise them for something, he has a habit of criticizing them. Ie "me: Great job on that test!" DH "if you're so smart you'd think you could figure out how to set your alarm clock."

He is mean... And it is only with them. He's actually kind of shy in public.

Zumagirl's picture

That makes a lot of sense. He is the oldest and constantly complains his sibs got more... And as a single mom I wasn't able to spoil them but I def make sacrifices and try to provide them all the opportunities I can.

doll faced sm's picture

He is mean... And it is only with them. He's actually kind of shy in public.

*blink* *blink* So, to his peers he's shy (perhaps even meek?), and with your sons (one of whom is disabled) he's mean (possibly a bully?).

Seems like there are several things going on here to include control issues, jealousy, insecurity, etc.

However, and please don't be offended or feel defensive, how many times have we all heard on this site this same story from the other side. DH's kids are lazy, smelly, whatever, and SM tries to come in with some discipline, hygeine, whatever only to have how mean she is and how much stress she causes thrown in her face. So, I would ask you to take a step back and try to look at it from your husband's point of view. Does he have a point? Do your sons half-ass their chores (4-5 hr.s of cleaning per week for those ages is more than reasonable), take the dog walking not long enough for him/her to his/her business so that it ends up doing business in the house? I know for a fact that if I don't go back and check what my DD11 did, she will half ass it. Period. She'll only do it right if she knows for sure I'm going to follow up with an inspection. Otherwise, everything's a 90-mile-an-hour stuff'n'fluff.

Obviously, I don't know you and your situation; everything I say is purely conjecture and speculation.

Good luck!

doll faced sm's picture

I see. And what behaviors are those, sue? Please, expound upon my "own behaviors toward [my] skid(s)." I'm waiting. With popcorn.

doll faced sm's picture

No, I asked the OP to look at it from her DH's pov. At no point did I say, "Hey, it's cool if he abuses your kids." If you took that to be my meaning, then that's your problem, not mine.

As for my own actions toward my step-son, if you were even vaguely familiar with my situation, you'd know that I've only ever met him twice. Once, it was for Christmas in 2009, at which time I spent copious ammounts of money on him as my DH was broke from having been dragged back to court.

So basically, you've made incorrect assumptions about me without even attempting to discern the truth and judged me based on that. It is frequently said here that therapists are a dime a dozen, but finding a good one is like finding a needle in a haystack. So very, very true.

StickAFork's picture

Sue, do you realize you term almost everything as 'abuse?' The term appears to get overused.

Queeny's picture

I don't know your entire situation and am just going to go off of my experience and what you have written.
I am a clean freak! I like to have my home picked up and presentable. I think every member in a house should spend at least 30 minutes during the week cleaning and 2-3 hrs over the weekend.
I am also strict about how SS10 cleans. If he does not clean to my standards (leaves a toilet ring, partially vacuums the floor, stuffs toys under his bed) I'm calling him on it. He does things half-assed a lot and it pisses me off! I worked hard to have a home and will be damned if he's going to trash it! However, when he is finished, I thank him and then he gets to do something fun.
I think some of the others have it right: your DH likes to be in control, may be jealous of your kids, and has some self-esteem issues! Can you ask him without him getting defensive? Does he want more time with just you?

Zumagirl's picture

So, my DS19 is away at school. He is a total geek, getting a degree in game design. He is paying for it 100% with student loans. He is coming home in 2 weeks for Xmas and I've already been warned that he had better not keep my DH up or he goes to a hotel.

I have always been a great earner, and have no problem doing it again. I just don't want to go thru another divorce. I am pissed that I 100% supported him and let him buy whatever he wanted including motorcycles and cars without even raising an eyebrow.

In order to keep the piece, I clean constantly but get yelled at that my 17 yr old should do it. It really doesn't matter what I do.

I have never felt my kids are perfect, but I do try to get him to understand the concept of "punishment fits the crime" and "I love them even when they suck"

He has always thought I should punish vigorously. But I now have 2 kids that are checked out on him.

When he enters the room, the laughter stops and my DS17 goes into his bedroom. It's very lonely. We tried counseling 4 years ago but the therapist sucked and he doesn't want to go back.

oldone's picture

Hell I'd be pissed too at the thought of some kid keeping me up all night. So now being pissed over a thoughtless skid making noise all night is "abuse"?

doll faced sm's picture

I have never felt my kids are perfect, but I do try to get him to understand the concept of "punishment fits the crime" and "I love them even when they suck"

This is what I was asking about. If your DH can't grasp that concept, then he should have absolutely no disciplinarian authority until he can grasp it - to include the snide remarks.

However, I do feel that the home is yours and your husbands (unless, of course, it isn't), then your DH has the right to expect certain rules be followed. "No keeping me up at night watchin t.v." seems like a very reasonable request. However, you have to be willing to step up and enforce that with your son so DH doesn't intervene, because even in the rules on disengagement, if the kid in question's behavior begins to impede on the SP's well being, it is perfectly acceptable for SP to re-engage at that point. So, decide on a t.v. cut-off time for when your BS comes to visit and make sure he understands it ahead of time. *YOU* stay up until that time to remind your BS of the rule just in case he forgets. Because this was an agreed upon rule before BS came for a visit, there is no discussion; he must turn it off.

On the other hand, things that don't affect your DH, he needs to take a step back from. How does it affect him if you clean the house instead of BS17? It doesn't. DH needs to STFU.

Zumagirl's picture

Ok, this is very helpful and I really do appreciate the honest feedback.

I have said to my DH that life doesn't happen in a vacuum. Essentially, his heavy handed lacked of positive reinforcement had created a situation. Especially with my BS17 who is a senior in HS. I have all but gotten on my knees and begged my DH to understand that he needs to say things like, "hi!" "Hey, your mom said you aced your calculus test, nice job" "I noticed you filled the tank, thanks!" "It would be really helpful if you could shorten your shower"

He says he will try and then nothing. It's almost like being nice is a sign of failure or weakness.

Both of my kids have told me they don't hate him but they also don't like him.., they just want him to leave them alone.

So I have (right or wrong) positioned myself between them so arguments do not erupt. I get bitched out and he expects me to bitch out my son. And then he listen to my conversation and criticizes me for not inflicting harsher punishments.

My kids only have me & I feel like I am selling them out if I always support discipline that I feel is too harsh.

What language does my DH need to hear to open up to being loving?

doll faced sm's picture

What language does my DH need to hear to open up to being loving?

Probably none. Sorry, but at this late stage, the relationship status is pretty much set. I tend to agree w/ your sons that DH should just leave them alone. OCC usually has a great link at the ready for recomending disengagement which is what I think your DH should do. I beleive this will make for a happier household for everyone.

Anyway, here are some articles I googled on the quick about disengagement: (I think this one is actually the one OCC gives out often).

A lot of them are going to reference the stepmom and bio-dad; in your case, obviously, you would replace stepmom w/ stepdad and bio-dad w/ biomom. Also, most women disengage because they feel they are being taken advantage of. In your case, it's to protect peace and sanity in your household. Regardless of the reason, the method (and theoretically, the outcome) should be the same.

Natalia Ely's picture

This stepfather sounds a lot like my stepfather, who was terrible to me (no sexual abuse, though), so terrible that his own parents had to put me up for sophomore year in high school, my own grandparents for senior year. My mother and stepfather broke up their own household every summet to stay with his parents while I 1) stayed with grandparents; 2) visited with my alocholic father for the first time since I was three; and 3) worked for other families as a live in babysitter -- this while my stepfather and mother crashed with his parents in another state. The marriage occurred when I was about to enter 8th grade, but I lived with them for only three academic years and no summers. Not at all after I was in college, not even invites to Thanksgiving, even when I was staying in a temp. dorm with foreign students and it was only three blocks away from the house they lived in. I was barely 18 years old and have never been so alone during all the traditional holidays until I married and spent the holidays with my husband's family. This same freshman year, my mother was in the ICU for six weeks and almost died on practically a daily basis. I found out via a person I had worked for as a babysitter who almost collapsed against a desk when he found out I didn't even know my mother was sick. And no, I was not a bad kid: good grades in spite of ten schools in 12 years, top 2% on standardized tests, would go on to graduate in four years, go to graduate school, Ph.D. program and then law school. And I cleaned the whole house every week and did the dishes every night... only allowed to use the telephone five minutes at a time (so who eventually called me?), spent every moment of the day in my room unless out of the house, eating or doing housework -- oh, also the bathroom which I was alloed to use for 15 minutes every weekday morning.

I was supposed to be invisible and I did my very best.

My mother was humiliated by what was going on in her house. When I was in college, she had to leave the house to telephone me from a public telephone if she wanted to speak to me. I never told her about how she could have died (and maybe been buried, too) before her husband let me know she was ill. I don't think he told my grandparents either....Until she'd finally had enough, she used to say it was just one of those things, shades of gray, he tried to be nice to me but... Actually, he used to feel bad about how he treated me and would cry. Or so she said. This was to show me how senstive he wasy. No comment then, no comment now.

My mother had no money even though she worked as a college tracher. Why? Because she got short changed by $20 at the bank one time and stepfather used this to justify pocketing her salary. The only time she defied him by slipping some money to me was on the verge of her great illness. She gave me, not a check, but a money order so I could attend freshman orientation. Orientation was all filled up, so I was putting the money order back in her mailbox at work (the English Dept. at Indiana University) when one of the guys I used to babysit for told me about her illness. He gave me her doctor's name and told me to call the doctor. I was so tense about money, I waited to be back at the dorm before I made the call; I didn't want to spend a dime to use a pay phone. And from the outside perhaps our "family" seemed normal for those pre-feminist times. How many stepchildren have been written off, ripped off and dropped off because the person with the power (then almost always a man) just couldn't stand having a third party in the house, a stranger that someone he loved unaccountably loved without his permission!

In my case, loved not so much, I have to say it even though my mother is almost 90 and I am 65. All these years, and it still hurts us both. Her life corroded with guilt and anger at me because I maker her feel guilty. The drinking. The rages. Now the alzheimers.

But to return to the contemporary stepfather with his own business. I told my own story to drop this word of wisdom: If you don't have a certain degree of closeness and caring in a household, with time, you're going to have hatred. No one wants to live with strangers, and if your husband or wife thinks of your child as a stranger (and does his/her very best to make sure you do too), the hatred just grows and grows. The petty resentments grow. There is a ring around the bathtub; a stranger broke a glass; a stranger used someone's personal back scrubber -- it was wet, and why else would that be!! The kid eats too much, talks too much and is altogether too ugly, too short, too fat, too tall, too thin, too much like the biological parent. Worst of alll, this stranger does not adore the stepfather, who works to put the food on the damn table!

THere should be more than one definition for parent alientation syndrome. One where a biological parent alienates the child from the other parent, the other where the new spouse alienates the biological parent from the child.

If your husband is alienating you from your children,he's gonna keep on doing it. The less love and emotional comfort in the home, the more the hatred. It's like the mining term "angle of repose." Until the real emotions in the home are made real, there will always be little landslides. And in one of them, your children will be swept away or buried alove, emotionally at least.

If you divorce, he'll probably get a bit of a prick of conscience esp. if he goes on to remarry and has children of his own.

You on the other hand will always wonder what your children are really thinking. They may bitch you out, or they may be as I became -- choosing exile from the so called family even in the face of my mother's attempt to reconsititute it much later, even hoping that we might both become lesbians. Or rather, that as she did, I might also.

So why did I keep silent in the face of my stepfather willingness to let her go to the grave without notifying her only child? Well maybe not the grave -- he might have told me she'd died while her body was in the hospital morgue. We'll never know. But why did I not "tattle to my mother?" He could have asked someone from the families I had babysat to call me, saying he was too busy.

Why did I not even tell my grandparents, whom I loved and had lived with for a school year only six months before? Or his parents, whom I loved and had lived with? Because I was so gone. And I guess during the years when my mother had been a single parent, I had learned to fear the need to take care of her, maybe already felt I was taking care of her, had better judgment even when I was 10. I was a bit like the kid in The Good-Bye Girl. I wanted my mother to be happy without being the one to make her so. I had "bought" my freedom by not becoming drop out, a drug addict or a trailer park single mother. I was ready to resume my life leaving my enemies and non-friends behind.

This is who many stepchildren are: We are hypervigilent. We are parentified. We watch you when you are not watching us. Our eyes are on the TV or the book or looking out the window, but our ears are following you, your words, your tone, your silences. We read your tone of voice. We need to know what is in the hearts of the adults around us, as our precarious emotional survival may depend on them. We have gone to ground. We are hibernating. We are having trouble sleeping and concentrating. We are asking why? Why are the exact behaviors that other kids are rewarded for castigated in us? True, we wet the bed. Some of us have encopresis. Maybe we need therapy NOW. But always, our eyes are on the prize: independence. We just want to find a there there. We don't want to have to pretend to be normal once we're no longer living with our "families." We want to be part of real families some day instead of oprhans of living parents.

Orange County Ca's picture

Zuma you've gotten a lot of advise here and I'm not going to read it all. I just wanted to make sure you got this piece. He's not going to change back, not easily anyway.

I agree that its a matter of control and its time you took that control back.

Try the "big threat". Either he gets out of your kids faces or find another place to live. Print this out and tell him to do it or else:

ctnmom's picture

I had a situation similar to Natalia's. In fact, my mom is still married to him. And I tell you Zuma, if someone treated my kids the way you describe they would have a pair of scissors through the heart. Also, your husband's behavior has the potential to permanently damage the relaitonship you have with your sons. And I realize stepkids are no walk in the park. But at no time in my 30 yr marriage have I treated SS36 with anyting but decency. He had to live by the same rules of the house as my bios, but I reinforced with a firm but loving hand. I would never DREAM of insulting him ("you'd think you could figure how to set your alarm clock") because I know how it feels. I lived it. My mom basically threw my brother and I to the wolves- gave up her kids for a husband. Meh. It's your decision- I know what I would've done a long time ago.