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Worried ABout Setp Daughter 4 regressive behaviors

daddyrob's picture

My SD4 who will be 5 in about 3 weeks, has slowly but surely been regressing in many ways. When she was 2, we were able to get her past the fear of the dark, she slept in her own bed and slept through the night. A year ago, she would go down to the basement on her own to get things for her mother or to use the bathroom. But since this summer, all that has stopped. Now whenever she is asked to do something, or told to go to bed, her response is, "I'm scared". She was allowed to sleep in her older sister's bed almost all summer. When her BD takes her on his weekends, he has her sleep in the bed with her older sister at a hotel. They keep the light on for her. My wife has a phobia of the dark that I feel she has passed on to her daughters and I see her doing it with our baby 16 mos. Last night we put the baby down and I said to turn off the light and she said but she's afraid. I said no she's not, she's 16 mos and to not teach her to be afraid of the dark. For the past two nights SD4 has woken up about 11 screaming, crying and carrying on that she's scared. In my eyes, this is a classic outcry for attention. I feel that my wife giving in and sleeping with her is only validating the behavior. Its hard to tell her that though because of her own phobia. I have decided to not get involved. I'm pissed because my wife has not slept in our bed for 2 nights now cause of this situation and I do not see her putting anything in plan to fix it or even address it. Any ideas on help, support or anything will be greatly appreciated.

daddyrob's picture

I have 2 BDs of my own, and I didn't go through this regression. Thanks for the tip. I was afraid something happened to trigger the regression.

overworkedmom's picture

How about a good nightlight? My kids (bios and skids) don't like sleeping in total dark, we have those little plug in lights everywhere. One in each bedroom, the hallway, the bathroom. Cheap and a quick fix to being scared of the dark!

overworkedmom's picture

I would try a night light too. That way when she first opens her eyes she can still see. The pillow thing is cute but she has to find and squeeze it. If her first reaction when she wakes up in the dark is to cry out, eliminate that factor. It is worth a try to get your wife back in bed!