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Encouraging a positive relationship between my child and my boyfriend - how far do I go?

glooie's picture

Hello everyone. I doubt this is a unique problem so I am hoping someone out there can shed some light on this issue for me. My daughter and I have been living with my boyfriend for nearly a year now. She is 4 years old. Her relationshipo with my boyfriend is very difficult to define. I think she resents him and it frustrates my boyfirned to such a degree that he shuts down. My daughter can be very mean to him and he can be very tough on her. They are both strong personalities. I try to be the go between to smooth things out but that is not always possible or perhapse the right decision either. I tell my daughter that she needs to be nicer to my boyfriend and I tell my boyfriend that he needs to take a softer approach. Maybe I am getting in the way? I thought that by the time a year was up they would have figured out some kind of relationship together. My daughter does not have a father who is involved in her life so I thought it might be an easier transition but I was wrong. She does ask me lately if she can call my boyfriend daddy and my response is that she needs to talk to my boyfriend about it but when she does he says nothing and usually his daughter pipes up with "he's not your father so you can't call him daddy". I feel like this blend is never going to happen. It is compunded by the fact that my daughter is basically an only child for 80% of the time and when my boyfriend's kids come home she becomes the youngest and all the battles that come with that. So it can be confusing for her. She is head strong and needs rules. Does anybody have any advice for me on how to handle this situation? I worry about it all the time and hope constantly that they will find some kind of common ground. How can I help them? Do I just let them find ther own way or can I guide them or assist? Help!
Thanks everyone!

DrainedNConfused's picture

Do you and your BF live together? and if so have you lived together for the year that your daughter has known your bf?
If so, after a year there is usually some kind of relationship there or at least a base to go off of. It doesn't help that your daughter asked ur BF if he could be her daddy and he didn't respond. She may feel rejected and hurt.
You should ask your BF what kind a relationship he wants with your daughter. If he wants to be a father figure for her then GREAT!!! The next step I recommend is going to family counseling so that he can learn to communicate with her and be patient through the process.
Best of Luck

glooie's picture

Yes, we have been living together for almost a year now. We dated for over a year first so my daughter has known him for 2 years.
I think he doesn't know what to do or say when she asks him that question and it is usully asked at the worst time (ie. when his kids are around or things are a little hectic) but I still think he needs to address it. He is scared of how his kids will react but from my point of view we should talk about it as a family. Counseling would be fabulous but frankly we can't afford it. But my daughter calling my BF daddy is still not going to fix their relationship. He and I discussed the fact that he would untimately be her father... eventually... since she doesn't have one at all. He was ok with that but that converstaion was early on in our relationship. I guess we need to have it again now. Never easy to discuss for anybody! I am frightened of what he will say. If he doesn't really want to be her dad (eventually) then what does that mean for us...? My daughter has to come first no matter what...
I hate feeling out of control! lol

newbie1's picture

Knowledge will make you feel more in control. Talk to your boyfriend again about what kind of relationship he wants with your daughter. Are you okay with that? What about the kind of relationship you want with his children? What does your daughter want? And I absolutely HATE to even say it but what if you split up or take a break or anything like that? What would be the relationship then or at the least what would you and your daughter need then?

You know your daughter comes first. Find out as much as you can so you can give her the best!