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Added stuff on the EX and too much too handle

KristyRogers's picture

Since I have been on here and he has went to see the child. This is the thing I can not understand she has kept him away for a year, no phone calls no nothing. She went in 05 and got an order of protection against him and a temporary vistitation where he has to make arrangements with her mom to come see Kasie and that she was not suppose to be there. Well a week ago like I said out of the blue they call and want jeffrey to come see her so he and his mom went to go see her that is when I found out that they did not want me at their house visting with Kasie cause she is not mine. I have only seen the girl once cause we have only been married since Dec 05. I stayed home with my 2 girls. He came home and told me that she had said that she misses him so much to his mom he said that he would never be back in that situation that he loved me and that I am who he wants to be wiht. Me and his mom has a really good relationship when i was pregnant she was there at every doc appt. ultrasound and in the room when I had her. She and I are really close. Well she told me that she just wanted to tell her that there is no need in trying to break us up. Well he got a phone call the other day and I was right beside him and it was her calling to tell him that Kasie had a doc appt. and she wanted to know if he was able to talk to her. I have no prob with him talking to her when it concerns the child but when she calls to just be nosy to know what he is doing drives me crazy. I dont traust her cause i fell like she is up to something cause out of a year she up and calls says she misses him to his mother and now I am afraid if she ever says she wants to be together again and he tells her no she will use Kasie against him. He is starting to be so happy seeing her and talking to her on the phone I dont want him to lose her again. My 2 year old daughter use to take away that void that was there for Kasie but now she is back in the pic and I dont want him to have that void. I have been so stresses out in this situation.

SpeakingGreek's picture

Have you talked with him to discuss your concerns and setting appropriate boundaries for communications from her?