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10 things I hate about my DH when skids are here

Helpless0987's picture

1- your inability to make your children to follow any rule or boundary - my personal favorite is when you allow them to dictate how everyone spends their time.
2- when you baby your 10yr as if he is still in diapers and refuse to male him take on any sort of responsibility for his actions
3- how you justify his actions when he acts out when other kids are around like it's everyones fault but his
4- I especially love it when you keep going into his room when he finally mellows out for the night and get him going again
5- how there is no such thing as punishment only rewarding his shitty attitude
6- that you refuse to give them a bed time so there is not one moment of relaxation or alone time for us
7- how u allow then to take up everywaking moment of everyones time so no one else can enjoy the weekend
8- that u let them take over everything, living room, tv when they have their own, bedroom they are constantly up your ass
9- that you allow them to mess up the house and yard from one end to another and do not expect them to pick up or even ask them to nor do u pick up after them
10- that u parent as a friend and not a father wish u would get your kids in check so that everyone is happy including them!!!

MAN THAT felt good.... What a weekend.... Counting down the hours til they r gone!!!!

Helpless0987's picture

* I also as a bonus forgot to mention how you stare blankly at the tv like nothing is wrong and are in complete disregard to that fact that your son is rolling around on he floor pounding a bag of chips ever so loudly geting crumbs everywhere making weird noises at the top of his lungs while we are trying to watch tv.... How do u do this? Does it not annoy u? The. When I've had enough of him acting like a fool and finally speak up u treat me as if I am a mean horrible person for asking him to simmer dOwn? Why can't u ever back me up