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19 year old stepson moves in

furbabie45's picture

I just got married the 1st of July and one week later my husbands 19 year old son moves in because mom kicked him out. He has no job and don't but alot of effort into looking one. Husband is out of town all week right now and I feel like everything has been dumped on me. This boy is a little on the slow side and you have to tell him everything like to take a bath brush your teeth exc. I just feel this was not fair to me. Husband tells me I'm the one putting all this pressure on myself. Someone PLEASE give me some advice!

furbabie45's picture

They have tried to get him in the army but he can not turn his left arm but one way so they want take tried sending him out job hunting but after I leave home he will come back. Can't lock the door because granddad will let him use his key to get in. Some days I get luck and he will stay away with his friends. Nobody wants to listen to what I have to say about any of this. I feel the same way everyone on here does. So at least I know I'm not in the wrong. I would love to hear from a dad and get his point of view.

NancyL's picture

You need to get this marriage annuled if possible and the sooner the better. Both parents have dumped their responsibility off on you and 5,10 or 15 years down the road you will have the same complaint about the same people.

Shannon61's picture

Maux, I hope you and DH can make it. Does Smelly have a plan for her life? Is she working or in school? She needs a plan so she can start preparing to move out and lead her own life. I can relate as SD lived with us for 3 years. She was in school for her masters and I realized she'd soon be self-reliant. It was a nightmare but I rode it out. But once she started working she wouldn't have a reason to stay any longer and she recently moved out . . with my nudging. Smelly needs to get a life and if she doesn't have a plan, someone needs to encourage it.

Shannon61's picture

Maux, your DH sounds alot like mine. He'd tip toe around SD, afraid to say or do anything that might hurt her feelings, but she would talk to him like ish and think nothing of it. I was mortified.

I hope you can ride it out. It took me 3 years to get SD out. I think she got tired of DH riding her, but I stayed on him everytime she screwed up. I can't tell you the relief I feel. Last night was the first time in 3 years that I laid down on my living room sofa and watched tv. How sad is that? I knew there was no chance that SD wouldn't walk in on me and felt totally relaxed. Good luck in nudging her out.

Madamx28's picture

That sucks and it's DH most certainly HAS dumped it all on you. I'm with everyone else, send the kid to is grandparents since they are so willing to just hand him out keys to houses.

furbabie45's picture

I guess I need to add a little more to this story. I don't want it to sound one sided. I really want me and my new husband to be able to work this out. We had been living together for 3 1/2 years and I was cool with the kids coming over every other weekend. See there is also a 9 year old to.I always help plan stuff to do with them made sure there favorite snacks were in the house.I have three grown kids of my own and have been remarried before so I am familiar with step parenting.But to be honest I really looked forward to our weekends alone. Now that the 19 year old has moved in I don't have that much and we just seem to argue allot over this. This is not a bad kid he don't do drugs or smoke has a real big heart.He just has a motivation problem. I really want to help him. I just feel like my home has been invaded. So please keep the advice coming so maybe I can fix this and they will be harmony in my house

stepmonster_2011's picture

I think you should tell your DH EXACTLY what you wrote here.

And then both of you sit with SS19 to determine how long he will be staying (setting time limits and goals for getting out on his own), conditions of staying (rent? chores? house rules etc) and what will happen if he does not hold up his end of the agreement.

You wouldn't rent out a room to someone without some kind of lease agreement - this is the same thing.

I am feeling your pain though. My SS15 sounds very similar to yours ('slow' but not enough to actually be classified as handicapped) and I have no idea what he is going to do when he graduates from HS. But his dad has been very clear from the get go - SS will be on his own.

Good luck!

Sweetnothings's picture

:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

OMG !! What a terrible situation !!! I would be all over DH a**e to get him out !!! What was he thinking ???
DH needs some tough love, I would be putting him on a no sex diet until this was sorted while dropping heavy hints after some canoodling, like you feel uncomfortable and don't feel sexy with SS in the house, etc.

Then the second part is for some tough old rules.....SS must have a time limit to when he is leaving, lots of chores, etc, and start controlling all of the things he takes for granted.....internet access all night, nuh-huh, will he sit up all night like my SD21 and then play the tired card at midday!!?? If he's using your p.c etc, lock it up tight, does he buy his own food ?? I guess not.....

You need to act hard and fast or he'll be with you for MONTHS!!! I know from experience......good luck !!!

neversecondplace's picture

Hi! I agree with NancyL....I would have it annuled immediately. I mean he just moved him in?? No discussion-end of story?? Oh Hell no }:)

sophia123's picture

Same thing happened to us but 18 yr old moved in with his breaking and entering bad stuff so we had police visiting often. It drove me mad and even worse he was sleeping on a mattress in the only living room we had in a small town house. In the end we bought a rental and husband and son moved in. My kids did a dance when they left..... I felt so relieved. When husband lost the will to live with on going issues he moved him out to a flat and we moved back in together. Your husband needs to take responsibility. You need to get a job where you travel so you can't look after him. Take care good luck.

TheStepwife's picture

It never fails to amaze me how the KID can do no wrong, as they lay on their ass, eat up all your food, dirty stuff, and don't exchange anything with you like money, help, or even a real relationship! The BP would let them keep that up forever. Someone has to put their foot down and be the voice of reason. All you can to is stand up for yourself because no one else will, and fight till it changes.

Then there comes a point where you can't fight the fact that the kid will always come first. hopefully order will arise before that reality is staring you in the face and driving you insane. Used and abused people typically either become real good doormats, or really pissed off people.

So, if your DH is not willing to step up, and stand up for you, if it were me, I'd get my ducks in a row to leave because you can't change them or the situation. And I wish you the best - hoping that cool heads, and love, prevail.

irritatedgal's picture

Give the kid 30 days to LEAVE, then change the locks and do NOT give gramps a key. Hearing all this makes me sooooo glad I refused to move my 19 yr old stepson in-even though he is homeless now. I figure he brought it on himself. When dad mentioned going to a shelter he goes "I'd rather jump off a bridge than go to a shelter." When dh mentioned that to me I said "he's just being manipulative and trying to make you feel guilty". Now that I think about it, it's sad how he wants all the perks of his own place but none of the responsibities that go with it. He does security work, but I think only cuz either A)his food stamps aren't enough to cover what he eats, though he said if he hasn't eaten much for 2 days he'll eat people out of house and home or B)he knows that biomom or dad aren't gonna hand over money like its candy, so its either work or have zero money.

Madamx28's picture

irritatedgal my 23 year old SS is doing the same thing. He lives in a tent but refuses to get his own place out of choice. He works f/t and has the option of weekend work if he wants it as well. He made over $3000 during the month of July yet has nothing to show for it because the majority of it goes towards drugs. He comes over to our house regularly to shower, wash his clothes, make phone calls, surf internet etc. I don't like the fact that he's being allowed to do this but his dad keeps letting him - typically when I'm at work. It bothers me because not only is he wanting and getting all the comforts of home when he needs them but it's costing us money and he doesn't offer a single penny. He'll buy his dad a case of beer as repayment but I get nothing out of this except my share of the water/electric bill which is considerably higher with his presence. I've voiced my disapproval several times, but nothing changes and all it ever leads to is arguments.

I'm still thinking the same thing - let the kid move in with is grandparents and whatever he chooses to do after that is HIS choice.

irritatedgal's picture

Lay down the law with dad and get the lock changed. Make up a mimimal but substantial list (and point out how minimal it is) of extra expenses this kid is incurring but not offering to help with a bit. Then draw the line in the sand and let Dh throw his tantrums. After all, since the money is going towards drugs, all Dh is doing is enabling the kid by allowing the bs. Tell him you are sick and tired of a man who has been a grownup for 5 years take advantage. Let dh know there are HOMELESS SHELTERS that offer the same thing.

Shannon61's picture

It's unfair that he was dumped on you. Get his SS started, find out what his passion is and get him enrolled in school. If he's slightly disabled, he should qualify for some type of subsidized housing, search for suitable places and put his name on the waiting list. In the meantime, give him chores and don't make things so cushy for him that he'll never want to leave.

Your DH needs to step up because this is his adult child. He's putting the burden of his care on you it's causing you to resent them both. Have a long talk with DH and voice your frustration. Then have a family meeting w/SS, get a strategy for his future, set expectations for him and execute the plan. SS needs to know that he's not going to live there open ended. The free ride is over. Good luck.

DoD's picture

My brother refuses to get a job, too. He's 21, not in school. Can't handle school, honestly. Fails everything. If I didn't love the kid so much, I'd kick him out, but he wasn't getting anything done with Dad because Dad was perfectly content to just keep feeding him for free until someone croaked! I took him in and I kick his butt out of bed every morning to take care of the dog. If I'm going to feed him, he's going to do stuff around the house.

Took a couple weeks, but I've gotten him into the habit of feeding the puppy breakfast and lunch. He takes the garbage out, and he mows the yard, and he runs errands. He's up to once-a-week showering, which is an improvement for him. I'm hoping I can get him transitioned to actually working soon. Biggrin Slow process, but progress is progress.

Part of the thing is creating boundaries and enforcing the consequences of not doing stuff to help out. You married his father -- it's your house now! Make him do stuff. If he doesn't, think about what he likes the most and make it... unavailable. Hint for internet addiction: passwords on routers are awesome and easy to set up using the admin control panel. Biggrin Also, you don't have to buy his favorite snacks. My brother works very well with 'to-do lists' because his memory is poor and he's very ADHD, but I don't know how your step-son would do. If he whines, don't give in. My mother always caved with my brother when he was a kid, and that's part of the reason he never learned to do jack.

Your house is his roof by necessity. Doesn't mean you have to make it a pleasant freebie. Good luck finding a way to get your husband on your side, though. D: Maybe float it as a compromise, to keep your stepson around but make him earn his keep?

TheStepwife's picture


Marriage comes first. I don't care if you just dated for that whole time, or lived together - once you sign that piece of paper the game changes and there are adjustments to make.

I just got married 6 months ago and we dated for 5 years. Because he wanted to be on a certain financial footing, and for the kids to be away at school. There are a whole WORLD of things to get used to that are different now. You throw an adult kid in living with you on top of that...we are having our challenges, and that's why I ended up on this site. 20 year old SS is with us on summer break and it was driving me nucking futs watching him lay around, eat up all my groceries, mess up my kitchen, wreck the back bathroom, and until paid, not life a finger to do a damn thing. Did not want to have a job for the summer so said he was unable to find one. It's hard to find something you don't want. But that is not my problem.

Back to marriage. I will keep repeating this as I'm just learning it and is so true - man suffering from guilty dad complex cannot hear his wife or back her up. The kid needs to be a contributor or he needs to get out. I am sure the dad will not see it that way. But then you have a choice in how you want to be thought of and how you want your life to be. All this coddling of adult kids, skids, whatever is just a bunch of bullshit. Yes they may need coaching and help to get on their own but no one can do it for them. They MUST step up, and they must have consequences for NOT stepping up. Either you pay more than your fair share and suffer, or you deal with a bit of tough times and require equity in your household. Kids throw tantrums when they don't get what they want. Adults make plans to take care of themselves and leave. Whether that is skid getting it together and becoming a contributor in life, or you packing up to leave and go make a sane go of it under your own steam is your choice.

Shannon61's picture

Well said TheStepwife! Yes indeed, the marriage does come first. The minute I started making things difficult for SD (27) she started looking for a new place to live. She was the same as your SS . . didn't do any chores and always left the bathroom/kitchen a mess. DH coddled her and never demanded anything from her so I demanded more from him.

I made him more than double her rent, set her straight everytime she screwed up such as forgetting to turn on the security alarm, not washing her own dishes in a timely fashion, and picking up after herself. It took a while, but soon SD grew weary, started looking for a place and recently moved out. SD's coddled "daddy's little girl" and he does everything for me. . days are over! Sometimes you have to force them to grow up!

LizzieA's picture

DH and I have been having this discussion as SS may move down to be with us for a while. He's 18. We're on the same page that it will be time limited, there will be rules (no girls over no parties) and he needs to save to get out on his own. It can't be too comfy, like their own place or why would they leave? A hand up and a hand out are two different things!

irritatedgal's picture


DON'T DO IT!!! you will be like sooo many people on here so miserable. Give him a hand up finding a place of his OWN.