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The monster is starting to rear its ugly head...

Lemon65's picture

SD11 was over yesterday and wanted to play Monopoly - she had beaten GBM the previous evening and was feeling confident. Well, her lucky streak continued and she slaughtered SO and I. It is funny because I used to not enjoy playing games with her because she was a sore loser and now she is an extremely ungracious winner. Her attitude and trash talk were insufferable! SO laughed a few times like it was funny, but kept giving me 'WTF?' looks when she wasn't looking. I ended up quitting because I couldn't tolerate her behavior anymore.

Even after the game was finished, she wouldn't let up. I finally asked her if that is how she behaves when she is with her friends. She looked surprised and said no. I asked her if she did behave that way with them, if she thinks they would still want to play with her in the future and she shook her head no.

Hopefully I got my point across, but GOOD LORD...please don't let this be any indication of what's to come!

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

I had this, but with my own son. Didnt matter the game (monopoly, chess, snakes and ladders, cards), he was a sore loser and ungracious winner too. (Worse on losing!)  Had to stress: it is only a  game! You are going to win and you are going to lose... Do so with grace. And like you indicated,  asked him if his behaviour endeared him to an opponent and encourged future games. That did get the point accross and hopefully it did for your SD too.

He plays football (soccer) and one of the factors hammered to the kids is sportman-like and gentlemanly behaviour. There are consequences if they are not. Sometimes he needs reminding because he is terribly competitive!!