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Mixed messages from FSD (11)

MichelleA's picture

Her mummy died nearly 3 years ago. She is now 11

Of course she misses her, and always will..... but it's strange that she only tells me that she misses her mummy when her daddy has told her off.

Daddy told her off last night for having a messy bedroom after we all spent hours on tidying the house on Sunday. She then texts me to say she misses her mummy last night (once she is in her bed and sulking) . I do the usual thing and say things like ' I know it's sad and you miss your mummy.' 'mummy wouldn't want you to be sad, she would want you to be happy and get on with your life' ' mummy would be proud of you' and things like that..... but to be honest it hurts me.

THEN at the end of the conversation she texts me and says ..'I love you. Goodnight mum'!! - how am I supposed to react/think/feel now..

She does this I think to get attention from me as she is in trouble with her dad.?
Or she wants to get at her dad by upsetting me...?

I don't know but it made me cry!

Rags's picture

The difficulty with the mythical wonderful deceased and unremembered or distantly remembered bioparent is that the kid will always regard that parent from the perspective of a fairy tale at least until adulthood if not their entire life.

Instead of a teady bear to complain to when she is punished by you or her dad she has the fairy tale BM. So, she misses someone because they are the fairy tale and she has memories of her mother that were gained when SD was a young child.

My wife's BioDad was killed in a single vehicle accident before my MIL knew she was even pregnant with my wife. My wife has recounted how her BioDad was this amazing man in her fantasies while she was growing up. It wsa not until my wife became an educated viable adult that she was able to come to the conclusion that her BioDad was probably not such a great person to fantasize about. My wife's paternal GrandParents were alcoholic chain smoking people, her surviving aunts and uncles are all drug addicts and alcoholics. Of the three fist cousins (my wife and her uncles x2 daughters) only my wife has managed a successful career and marriage. Once cousin has multiple oowl children by multiple fathers and the other though degreed is in a neglectful marriage that she stays in only because of her children.

Though she has feelings of sorrow and wonder about her BioDad and what her childhood would have been had he survived, as an adult she understand that her Dad (the one that raised her) is a good man and that she loves him very much. In fact, my wifes dad (stepfather) is the person in her family that she is closest to and my wife is the child he is closest to. My wife has 3 younger sibs who are her StepFather's BKs.

From your above post it sounds as if your daughter recognizes and understands taht you are her mom. The way you handle it is very nice. I would suggest that you make one minor change. When you text her back or tell her that her BM would like her to be happy take the opportunity to throw in a "and she would really be happy is you cleaned your room and not make your dad and I punish you." Wink

Riamama23's picture

That's so sweet!! BUT lol I am widowed and my bios would bring up Daddy when they were getting scolded I had enough once and said "yes me to because he would just smack your behind and be done with it and I could be reading my book" it's definantlly sad to lose a parent at such young ages but the kiddos often forget these passed parents would still be parents not a best friend lol

MichelleA's picture

Thank you...... I agree, it always seems to be when she is either in trouble or sulking because she isn't getting her own way! x

stepmisery's picture

Once a child goes to bed, all electronics should be shut off for the night.

When she texts you, immediately tell your DH so he can go talk to his daughter. No need to let her emotionally manipulate you, even kids from original intact families will attempt to play parents off each other. If she's in trouble for not doing her work, let her sulk and don't try to make it better for her.

MichelleA's picture

Thanks. Yep I told him straight away and he said he is going to have a chat to her tnonight. He was going to do it last night but having already been told off and told to go to sleep it wasn't a good idea to go back up stairs to talk to her about this too. I love her to bits, I really do.... but I feel like shit when she says things like that. I can't work out whether she is doing it to upset me - therefore getting at her dad when he has told her off..... or what. But then she turned round and text 'goodnight mum' - it's like one minute she wants me, then the next she doesn't.... I can't work it out.

stepmisery's picture

it's like one minute she wants me, then the next she doesn't

That's probably exactly the truth of it. She probably goes back in forth in how she feels about you, feels guilty if she likes you, then another minute she hates all parents.

A lot of it is just normal for a girl her age. It is said on ST that it takes 5-7 years to adjust to a new family - right during her adolescence. Fun stuff ahead.

If she truly wants to talk to you about how she feels about her deceased mother's absence, you need to not let that happen when SD is upset with/about her father. SD could just be manipulating you. But if she really wants to talk to you because she is feeling either a mother/daughter or older sister or aunt trusted type relationship, of course you don't want to shut her down and push her away.

If her texting you like that is upsetting you to the point of tears, then Dad needs to gently and appropriately go up there and have a word with her. It's important enough to address right then.

cant win for losin's picture

"it's like one minute she wants me, then the next she doesn't..."

count for the age also. them adolesent years are not fun.

LizzieA's picture

Why do you take it personally? At least she is expressing her feelings to you. It's not a competition but you will never replace her mother so give it up. She can care for you, too. Detach! The safest route is zero expectations. She is not giving you mixed messages! Both are true--she misses her mother and she is starting to care for you. Don't give a child power to push your insecurity buttons.

I have no expectations that my SKs will ever do more than tolerate me. I don't expect them to "love" me. My DD had a "step mother" for a while--a woman my EX dated for years. She had a bedroom for DD at her house and sewed her cute outfits. Was I jealous? NO! I thanked her once for taking such good care of my DD. She looked surprised. I am sure my EX told her a lot of bad things about me--he was emotionally abusive that's why I left him and crushed his little ego.

MichelleA's picture

Then why does she only say she misses mummy when she is in trouble/has been told off/sulking because she hasn't got her own way?

she doesn't say she misses her mummy at any other time!

LizzieA's picture

The same reason they run to the other parent when they are in trouble or want permission that has been denied. Just confirm DH's rules and decisions with her so she knows she can't manipulate for a different answer.