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I'm not sure my DH is worth all of this baggage

tootie25's picture

Don't get me wrong I LOVE LOVE LOVE my husband. But I'm so over all of this crap with his son and his ex. I can't do anything right with the BM and this kid is an absolute horror if you're not constantly watching him. DH and I got married quickly as I was pregnant and had I truly known what all being with him would entail I'd seriously reconsider it. We have a son together and whenever SS3 is around it's as if I'm a single parent. Then we've got BM blowing up the phone all weekend. Last weekend she sent us an email saying SS3 told her that he didn't like it at our house and that we weren't taking care of him because we didn't feed him and blah blah blah. Hello kids make up things. Does it look as if we starved him all weekend... of course it doesn't. I got him medicine because he was super sick and I stepped on her toes as a mother. WTH? This kid isn't the problem- its his damn mother. She accuses us of molesting SS3 and whenever she bought a new car and then told us she couldn't afford SS3 surgery and we questioned her she had her husband threaten my DH and threatened a restraining order because we called her a bad mother (she's an idiot). She's constantly bringing up how fat I am... I just had a baby 2 months ago... the weight will come off. And seriously I could care less than to make a comment about her looks. But its always something with her.
DH acts as if things are all supposed to fall together and it is all supposed to be so easy. HELLO? getting married young and early makes things hard. Having a kid early in the relationship makes it hard... blending a family makes it hard. And we have all three but no effort put into our relationship. It'll never work. He wants to take ss3 on vacation with me and i told him absolutely not. At this rate SS3 will never be my family because I can't do anything without trouble. I love my husband but this is easily the hardest thing ive ever had to deal with. And at this point I'm so over it.

oneoffour's picture

Ah, young Mr3 has learned that early lesson all stepkids try..playing one parent off against the other.

If you get to speak to her just say "Really? Gosh.. well gotta run." CLICK

Only you can engage in her games if you want to. If your DH whines about his ex to you tell him "Well I am sure you will work it out." Remove yourself from the equation. Today I am removing myself from some of the family dynamics around here and it should lead to a much less stressful life.

As for the vacation, this kid is part of his life. You married him knowing this. He becomes a bit-player on your life stage but he WILL be there. He is only 3 and can be retrained. Also consider the idea that he didn't say anything of the sort and the BM is looking for a reaction and making it all up.

Personally I would tell her "Really? How strange. Because he ate like a horse while he was here. Bye!" BIG FAT CLICK

Auteur's picture

Your DH must put his foot down with the BM and SS. Period. To not do so is basically dooming the relationship