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Hi There

Salems Lot's picture

Hi There,

I opened an account about a year ago under a different user name, then I decided to cancel it after making 1 post. (I don't remember my previous user name). The majority of the people here responded with great advice. I did follow some of the advice given and I thank you.
I can't give too many details of that post because SO had to take legal action against BM.

I do hope I can share more of my step life in the future and be part of other discussions. I have so much to talk about but with this legal issue, I am limited to what I can say.

I have 3 adult children of my own. No Ex as my children's father passed away a long time ago.
I have 3 skids with SO
1 BM and her DH

Indigo's picture

Hello. Jump in whenever you want. You don't have to bare your soul or personal details. Legal drama is stressful.

Advice and experience is always welcome.