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Bathroom remodel

unwillingparticipant's picture

So we have 2 bathrooms. I've designated 1 as "ss10"/guest and 1 as ours completely. The one i've designated as ss10/guest was crappy so i didnt even care how messy it got. I NEVER went in there unless we were having company over.
We are gutting the entire thing and having everything brand new put in there in 3 weeks. How do I make sure SS10 DOES NOT trash it?

"trash" = toothpaste all over the mirror, gobs of toothpaste in the sink, caked on pee on the floor, hair from haircuts all over the floor and the tub, toothpaste on the wall - YES, WALL!

I told dh that he needs to get his kid under control and that bathroom will stay looking brand-new til we move out! If not, i believe i'll sell his brand new ipad and the KISS tickets he just bought for their summer concert.

Any other ideas to make sure my $3000 bathroom investment doesnt go to completel shit due to skid???????

Poodle's picture

Definitely, I did this with my SS at same age and it really paid off. I showed him how to deep clean the whole thing top to toe (including the ceiling -- he is very tall) and he actually understood the pride he could get out of it. I have to admit it did help that there were 3 other messy kids and messy DH in the house, which meant he got to get indignant if anyone so much as ruffled one of his carefully arranged towels! Make a rule that the ipad is not played until the bathroom is done -- daily. It shouldn't take him long if he does it daily as it'll never really get dirty that way.