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constantlyheartbrokenstepmom's picture

I need help understanding all the abbreviations. Some of them I understand. Others not so much!

AlmostGone834's picture

BM - biomom

DH - Darling husband

SD - Stepdaughter 

BD - biological daughter

SS - stepson

BS - biological son

HCBM- high conflict BM 

GUBM - Golden uterus BM

Im sure other will add to this list... 

Someoneelse's picture

I like to use DD and DS as dear daughter and dear son as BD could be bio daughter and it could also be BioDAD, and that could be confusing in some situations. just my preference I thought I would add

notarelative's picture

I haven't seen it lately, but when I first started reading, some would use OH. It took me a while to figure out. 

OH = other half (the other half of your relationship)