You are here gosh

Zoie's picture

SD9 is here for the weekend and brought her report card which wasn't very good. She is so smart but her grades are slipping...omg this child does not take responsibility for anything...I mean it's the teacher's fault, it's the other kids's everyone but her...omg...

My DH told her you are going to have such a hard time when you get older it's not even funny...ok..must go...

just venting...geezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....


stepmasochist's picture

I catch my SD11 doing the same thing - blaming everyone else for her problems. Drives me nuts! Everytime I give her the "You can't change anyone else but yourself and if you're going to play the victim everytime you experience a negative consequence because you failed to step up, you're in for a sad, sad life."

It irks me even more because I know she gets it from BM.

Cara B's picture

Must be something w SD's bc mine always blames everyone else. Her BM is the same way. Im just glad she doesnt get away with it in my house

Zoie's picture

I was so proud of my DH he told his daughter that she is going to have a very tough life if she continues on this path. He told her because she missed 15 days of school and was late 6 times that if she had a job that she would be fired.

It was a very strange weekend...she was so sweet and lovey with us but very secretive. Everytime we say anything she is thinking of a lie..we can see the wheels spining in her head..It doesnt matter what we say or ask her, we can see that she is making up a story. I know her mom told her to not tell us anything so I guess she's taken to lying...
