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I am not a fish.

Xero's picture

Hello, Stepville, you're looking well these days. Xero here. It's been a long year since I last wrote, and I am now here to get these things off my chest and put a close to the chapter I started many moons ago. This is honestly just for me to get words out and I could care less if anyone comments. But if you do, then kudos and thanks for your time.

Last I wrote, I was about to get married to the supposed love of my life. And we did get married. As far as the “love of my life” part… she was. Or so I thought. 

I was nervous about the kid situation like everyone else on this site, but even with kids in the picture, I was a hundred percent committed to my wife. I had my ways of dealing with things and I thought eventually the kid stuff (our only problem, right?) was going to iron out. I figured if I just bite the bullet, I’ll get over it because being with her is worth it.

Boy, was I wrong.

I was completely, stupidly, un-******-believably blind. And now I'm in a world of pain and I feel like such a #$@& idiot because of it.

Well, now my dang eyes are open. And hindsight sure is freaking 20/20.

Mostly, I'm furious. At what? I barely even know. Mostly myself? Yeah. Myself. Because I am a bloody academic and I am supposed to be smarter than this... One of those annoying, philosophical self-reflective types that everyone loves to hate. So I should have seen this coming, right? Pitiful.

When you love someone so much, it's painful to admit when they are royally screwing up. It's even harder when you know she’s a good person who's just ignorant. “But she loves me, and I should be able to sacrifice and compromise, right?” (Also thanks, Dad, for instilling in me an almost-lethal dose of “Savior Syndrome.” I now understand the error of my ways.)

At some point, you realize they'll never change. 

At some point, when you least expect it, while you’re underwater ignorantly pretending to be a fish, something suddenly propels you to the surface and you instinctually inhale a glorious, deep, earth-shattering breath into your lungs.

And everything changes.

The world stops turning for that brief moment that your lungs are full, and suspended in that pure instance, the sunlight finds its way onto your face and into dark, forgotten corridors. Fleeting, but unmistakable: You’ve just tasted Truth Concentrate.

“My God… I’m not a fish! Not at all!”

And from that moment on, it is painful to return to life underwater.

Blissfully ignorant before in the Garden of Eden, but now, dangerously enlightened by the fruit of knowledge. 

I've never felt like this before. So "awake" to my own stupidity now and also so angry that I lived in such a deep, blind state of kidding myself for so long. 

I. Spent. YEARS. Going full beast mode for this relationship. I was gonna be the one that was “different” and fix the problems and go the distance and bust my behind and work hard for our family and sacrifice and compromise and blah blah blah.

“I don’t know any other couple that works as hard as we do!”

That’s true. But also THERE WAS A REASON IT WAS SO HARD, DIP$#!T!


There is a difference between making understandable/normal sacrifices for your marriage and sacrificing entire pieces of yourself that get repeatedly disrespected, manipulated and devalued.

I can’t believe I’ve been so stupid. 

All this time, I was waiting for her to wake up and handle things like a mature person and not manipulate the living crap out of me. But that doesn’t work with a co-dependent, unstable person.

“She can’t help it, she’s just so emotional. You can’t understand, so just go with it. Just man up and let her have this one.” 

I justified it every time.

Until “just this one” became the next, and the next, and the next, and the next.

I fought for her. I stood up for her. I went to battle for her. We went through a lot together, which is why I thought we would last. We’ve got the scars to prove it. I validated her, consoled her, changed for her, contorted muscles I didn’t have for her. 

And then I backed down for her. I let myself lose for her. I lost myself for her.

Sound like someone who’s… uh… well… whipped, huh?

Well then call me whipped. At least I used to be.

Not anymore.

So I here I am. Moved out. Picking up pieces and figuring out where in this pathetic puzzle they’re supposed to go. Basics like friggin dignity and self-respect. And anger, that old, wise friend.

Mostly though… I’m just inscribing these words repeatedly on the inside of my skull: I. Am. Not. A. Fish.


StepUltimate's picture

Really feel for you, can relate to the Pissed-Off-At-Self outrage & feeling like a total chump who was the last to figure out I got played. TheOldRedHen's comments above are excellent, very glad you posted here & got all that out. You are clearly MUCH wiser from your experience, and gained a lot of insight.

Please stop kicking yourself so hard though! I tend to do the same (= own worst critic) and sometimes I have to adjust my perspective by asking myself, "If it were Friend X instead of me in my shoes, what would I say to Friend X now that he has left that nightmare?" Would you be so harsh on the poor guy, or would you have compassion and congratulate him for recognizing the error and correcting course? 

Hope you find serenity & self-forgiveness. You're a good writer. Glad you posted your update.


Xero's picture

Thanks very much, Step. I hear you. Honestly, one of my biggest learns was the fact that I've been conditioned to suppress anything that could be considered negativity. In our home, there was no such thing as healthy anger. No constructive discussion around frustrations. Even if we attempted to (and there were many attempts), she would eventually shut down and it turned into us addressing her emotions rather than the actual issue at hand. It was so exhausting that I just became completely apathetic about anything and everything in order to survive. It sucked the actual life out of me. So I'm glad to be finding the anger again. I'm not planning on hanging onto it, but I think I might want to get reacquainted with it long enough to know that I can feel it, accept it and handle it accordingly. Thanks again for your comment, and also for the compliments on the writing. Cheers.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I'm sorry, truly.

Your were playing against a stacked deck. There were just too many obstacles to overcome for long term success. The age difference, plus skids, plus their diagnoses, plus the fact that you seem to be childfree..the odds were against your relationship succeeding, but kudos for giving it your all.

I hope you'll take.some time to heal, and then find a nice childfree girl who shares your quirky, artistic spirit. Play the odds next time.

Xero's picture

Thank you very much, ExJulie. It really was a stacked deck, wasn't it? I spent way too long giving credit for the deck being full rather than realizing I shouldn't even have been playing with those cards in the first place. I'm enjoying getting back to my old self again. I've missed me. And under no circumstances is my next partner going to have children. It's best to take some time to be single, get back to writing, music, art, etc., everything I've been missing. I will be happy to be myself with someone later on. Cheers.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Trust me Xero, you are a catch! I know at least ten childfree women between 20 & 35 who would love to find a quality childfree guy like you.

Xero's picture

Ha. Exjulie I'm flattered. If I'm being honest, I do have some undealt with feelings for an old friend (younger than me) who is much more my speed. But there's no way I'm starting anything remotely close to an attempt at a relationship right now or anytime too soon. I don't even desire or care to think about it yet. It sounds tiring. I just want peace and solitude. Thanks again.

CLove's picture

Greetings Xero. I had to "play catchup" to fully understand your well-written and intensely engaging post about your experiences in what we call "step-hell". I found this site, and it helped me in so many ways on so many levels. My blog posts here are jounal entry views of life in the role of step-parent. So much has happened, for me as well, during the past year. Winona SD19 turned 18. Her mother, Toxoc BM got drunk and choked her, threw her against the wall and called her names. Winona graduated and left for a job and new living space, so I no longer have to deal with her toxic funk. Honestly, her room was so funky that as Munchkin SD12 and I were cleaning, Munchkin bravely told me "I feel so gross cleaning her room!"

Im glad that you are finding yourself again, and liking that new person. Because this journey changes us, and re-makes us. I am fortunate in that Winona does not come to visit and everything is relatively peaceful with TBM. Except that her dating life is hurting Munchkin. Oftentimes I wonder if I would stay, given a cahnge of financial circumstances. I take it that your circumstances are so much more positive now, so kudos to you that you got out before wasting your life living in misery.

Anger can be helpful and beneficial. I call it the "righteous anger", anger that helps us understand that we need to make changes and not look back in the mirror. Like that saying goes, "dont look into the mirror to see behind you, your not going in that direction". Or something. Great to see an update!

Xero's picture

thanks for your comments, CLove. The toxicity certainly has It’s way of changing us. Glad to hear your situation is improving bit by bit.