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Zero-Tolerance Child support; any experience??

Wicked.Witchy.Woman's picture

So back in Feb, BM was put in jail for not showing up to an enforcement hearing. They let her out the next day and told her to "be a good girl" and pay her CS on time every month for the next 6 months. Here we are in June and she failed to pay the amount in full for May. Most likely it was an oversight because her wages are garnished, but because she is a cocktail waitress, her paychecks are not enough to cover the entire support amount (it's usually short about $40). For the last 2 years she has never paid the extra $40 because she thought that her paychecks were enough (she must not own a calculator).

If I remember correctly, the order said "zero-tolerance" and that if she was late any time in the next 6 months, she would be incarcerated for 30 days.

Does anyone else have any more experience with this? SS13 is supposed to be at her house for the whole month of June and I don't think it's a good idea for him to be there when she gets taken away in the cop car!

Thanks for you comments!


stepmom2one's picture

If she is in jail then you still are not going to get your money, right? It sounds like she is a loser, I would be happy to get anything from her.

Wicked.Witchy.Woman's picture

Dh doesn't care about the money. It goes in a trust for SS when he is older. My concern is that SS is supposed to be at BM's house starting Thursday for an entire month. He already pities her for all of her "hard times" that she has brought upon herself, and she makes him feel so guilty for living with us. I don't want him feeling guilty for her going to jail. He understands that he is the reason she pays child support. She's made that perfectly clear to him. I think the image of her in the police car will send SS over the edge.

stepmom2one's picture

I know that is what you are concerned my state they don't go after the person unless called by the other parent (a complaint).

But maybe they are watching her themselves??? Maybe DH could send her a text reminding her she was short $40 and to send it in so SS doesn't see her hauled away. I understand you want to protect him but I don't think you can on this one.

Wicked.Witchy.Woman's picture

It is automated. We have never complained. She does earn enough money, whether she has it is a different story. She loves to shop and go out to the bars and have herself surgically altered.

Pantera's picture

We are going through this right now but good ol' Maryland keeps giving BM a slap on the wrist. Good for you that she even got 1 night in jail. I agree that SS shouldn't see his BM get hauled off, but the truth is, its her own fault. On another note, if she really is trying to pay (although it's short each month), they probably won't put her in jail again.