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I wish I could trade my skid for my deceased dog

wasabi's picture

I wish I could trade my skid for my deceased dog, life would be so much happier. Does anyone feels this?


caninelover's picture

A dog, any dog, is far superior to any SK.  And most humans.

CajunMom's picture

I lost my beloved dog 18 months ago. I still grieve his loss. I stand with Caninelover.

PetSpoiler's picture

I went no contact with my "precious" skid and his "perfect" bride three years ago but I would trade my daughter's two angel guinea pigs for them so I'd have 5 guinea pigs and a guarantee that I'd never have to deal with Lying Ingrate and She-Devil again.  I don't wish anything bad on them I'd just prefer that SS was someone else's problem, I mean relative, and not someone related to my husband and kids.  

wasabi's picture
