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Example of a poor excuse for a person

use_2_b_sane's picture

I haven’t been on here since Thanksgiving. Dh’s ex (I refuse to call her BM) mother would imply that she was one, was supposed to have ss6 for visitation during Thanksgiving so we had to have a separate Thanksgiving just for ss. We show up at the meeting place and the poor excuse for a mother doesn’t even show nor does she call. I am ecstatic that we got to keep ss home with us for the holiday but on the other hand I am angry at her for being such a piece of crap and rejecting him yet again. He cried, even though he didn’t want to be with her he still cried, it just broke my heart. She had her Wed visitation and ss6 told her she forgot to pick him up. She told ss he was wrong and she never forgets her time with him. Hmm that’s why we have countless logs of no-shows on her part? Well at least the boy got two Thanksgivings at home and we are still eating turkey.


Stick's picture

Use-2-Be..... Oh my this just breaks my heart. She is useless.. She also sounds somewhat narcissistic - like my BM over here.

The whole thing of denying his feelings, saying that she didn't forget, he was mistaken, etc.... that's typical.

I'm so sorry. And I'm also so very very glad that that little guy has you and DH in his life. He's going to need a lot of love and support from you to undo the damage she will continue to do. Please just keep letting him know that it's not him... it's her. The way we are supposed to do it with SD over here is to not make excuses for BM's behavior, we are not supposed to trash her... but we are supposed to support SD in her feeling that what her mom is doing is wrong.

Best of luck to you and your family!! Don't hesitate to PM me, or write, if I can be of help. You may want to check out my blogs to see if we are indeed in similar situations.

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Conflicted's picture

How sad. I am thinking that bm is going to twist this and try and make you guys look like the bad guys.... telling him she never misses her time? Sounds to me like is manipulating this poor kid and intends to tell him that you guys made it all up.... sick....

Pantera's picture

Thats exactly what BM does to us. She twists things to make us look like the bad guys. She manipulates my ss9 so bad. He doesn't necessarily want to go over there all of the time, but gets very upset when he's rejected (as he should). We have him in counseling. There are some major issues due to BM doing this kind of crap to him. My heart goes out to your ss, that is awful. Thank goodness he has a stepmom like you.

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus