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YSS16.5 Report Card Came In

thinkthrice's picture

He's technically failing everything except varsity chorus.   But because he has an IEP he will technically pass PE.

Still that can't save him from his 20 something and thirty something grades he is getting in all the real subjects.

Great job Girhippo who counsels other parents!!!


Chmmy's picture what way does Gir counsel other parents?

Sorry that SS is such a failure. It is hard to watch the skids fail knowing that it will continue to put stress on your marraige as you'll always have to deal with this failure of a disgusting human

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

It's disgusting that the BM got this kid "classified" so he can take resources away from kids who actually do need the help. What exactly is his classification? What assessments did they base it on? That BM of yours is a special piece of work!