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thinkthrice's picture

YSS 16.5 has been enrolled in Trade School/Vocational School (not sure what he's taking though)  Chef received a notification from BOCES (board of cooperative education services).   Depending on what he's taking (hopefully NOT culinary arts--that market is flooded) IF he attends and IF he stays out of trouble and IF he isnt' late every day, he MIGHT do well.

The more rational, slightly thinner Chef said "We'll see; not expecting too much."

WOW!   Chef admitting that his ferals, who are PASed out and have been "raised" (more like treated as pets--junk food fed, gatoraded and doted on)  by "single mom corn-fed-all-american-soccer-mom-church-lady-who-rose-from-the-ashes-of-divorce-like-a-phoenix" (TM) Girhippo MOTY are circling the drain due to zero  parenting.

This is something OSS, stb 23 should have done from the get go.  He had the most prospects as he was actually a decent, albeit goofy kid.


justmakingthebest's picture

"single mom corn-fed-all-american-soccer-mom-church-lady-who-rose-from-the-ashes-of-divorce-like-a-phoenix" (TM)


Harry's picture

When you see your Child 40 hours ever other week. To fight with them. To punish them. So instead of having fun with your kid, you are punishing them.  Then they go back to other parent. Normal family you punish a child and next week to two days later you have fun with them. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Thrice, two questions...

  1. Are you surprised Chef is seeing the light?
  2. Does Chef's 'seeing the light' make him more attractive?

I know you have your reasons for staying. Would be great if it all panned out. xo 

thinkthrice's picture

1. not really (too much evidence has piled up)

2. no (that ship has sailed)

also I'm post meno and have little to no mojo anymore
