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I'm just numb right now

stressed72's picture

So, the past month has been really terrible. And I just had a confrontation with my husband that upset me so much that I am shaking.

My oldest SS attacked my husband last month, and ended up being handcuffed and taken to a behavioral center for a week. He has been staying with his mother since that happened and hasn't darkened our doorstep during that time. Until a couple of days ago. 

The custody order was revised so that oldest SS now resides with his mother and youngest SS resides with us. Oldest SS is now on her lease that he lives with her. My husband signed the revised custody paperwork Monday. I was so relieved. Until oldest SS texted my husband on Monday and asked if it was OK if he stayed with us that night. Very strange since he didn't have any interest in being around his dad or me since then. And if I even act like I disapprove,my husband flies off the handle. So he stayed with us Monday night. I thought he wouldn't be back since he took his antipsychotic medication with him Tuesday morning when he left for school. However, I get a text at work Tuesday afternoon from my husband that oldest SS wants to stay with us AGAIN and watch movies together. WTF? That kid has never ever suggested anything like that. So he was with us once again. Youngest SS stayed at his mom's last night, but called my husband around 11 p.m. scared because someone was banging on his mom's door and wouldn't leave. So my husband went to get him. They never found out who was knocking on the door that late, but my guess is it was someone looking for oldest SS. He probably pissed the wrong person off and that's the reason he is at our house. I bet he's hiding from someone.

Right before lunch today, I was at my desk at work and my doorbell camera went off. I was able to see it through my phone. Two people with id tags were standing at my door. I texted my husband and asked who it was. He said it was social services. I have never dealt with social services before and it makes me very nervous that these people were knocking on my door. They were there to talk to my husband. about oldest SS.  When I got home at lunch and expressed my concern about this, he started yelling at me. He started slamming silverware down and cursing at me and saying that he's sick of everything and that he would just move out. It was very threatening and I was scared.  It was like he was punishing me for expressing my concern and being worried. And if I dare say anything about precious oldest SS, then he's threatening moving out and leaving me. 

I am shaking so hard and cried all the way back to work and felt like I was going to vomit. I feel like maybe it would be best if we ended things. My husband has major anger issues and if something is bothering me and I try to talk to him about it, I am either given the silent treatment or he's yelling at me and threatening to leave. 

I am at the point where I am just numb to this treatment. For a while I thought I would try to stick it out with him and try to make things work. But  don't think he cares about me at all. I am never allowed to express my feelings. I cannot tolerate being treated like this and made to feel like I am the bad guy for trying to talk to him about something that is bothering me. I think I know what I need to do. 




Cover1W's picture

I don't have kids, but that is exactly what my emotionally abusive ex-H was like.  Nothing was his fault, everything I said was wrong, couldn't have a rational discussion with him about anything.  I didn't keep his dinner warm or it wasn't in the fridge, or why hadn't I bought 2% milk at the store not whole milk, etc., etc.  Threatened divorce many times.  You need to leave.  He's said it.  Go.  Don't regret a thing.

ndc's picture

I think I agree with what you think you need to do.

This doesn't sound like it's just an SS problem.  This is your husband treating you poorly.  There is no reason to live with yelling and threats.  Your feelings are legitimate and should be taken into account - you should not be made to feel like the bad guy.  Frankly, I'd rather be alone than live in a situation where I don't know when someone with anger issues might go off on me.  

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I 'd be on the internet looking for my own apartment and a rental truck just as soon as I had made my post on steptalk. We would be DONE

TX2step's picture

I would return with the police to gather my things. Who the hell does he think he is. Leave him and take him to the cleaners. Don't tolerate it.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Please save yourself from this abusive, untenable situation. Let your angry a$$hole of a louse spouse pack up his a$$hole kid and their psycho circus and get out. Things are only going to get worse if you don't. That little monster wasn't created in a vacuum; he's inherited traits and learned behaviors from dear old dad.

And as an early Valentine's present to yourself, change all the locks. Nothing says I love ME quite like ridding your home and life of toxicity.

CLove's picture

I re-read your previous blogs on here It sounds like the wormy apple doesnt fall far from that tree you are with.

If you can, stay and let him leave. This isnt a healthy situation. Explosive anger runs in the family, you know this. Lawyer up, and get yourself ready for the ride. If your spouse is threatening to leave, let him leave and change the locks pronto. I know its hurting right now - no doubt, but you must protect yourself.

Forthelifeoftheparty's picture

You can and WILL do better than him!


I’m sorry this is happening. But it doesn’t have to keep happening!

justmakingthebest's picture

I agree with Want2- Don't wait for a right time. There will never be one. Find a place, take the day off when you know he won't be home, beg help from friends or hire movers (I hired when I left my abusive ex) and get out fast. Move, don't disclose your address. If he wants to meet later to talk- which he will- make sure you meet him there, in a public and busy resturant, drive a crazy ass route home to make sure he isn't following you. 

You need to get out of this environment before you are hurt or worse. You have violence coming from 2 people in that family. You don't need to live like that.