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SS13 has to be told to take showers and change underwear & sock

Steppy Mn's picture

So this just bugs me but maybe I'm expecting too much. My SS13 will not take a shower unless he is specifically told to do so, even though he's been told several times he should take a shower every day. Then, when he does take a shower he most times puts back on the same dirty underwear and socks. What is that about? Laziness? I get on my DH about it and he pays attention for a day or two and then he ignores it. Oh and SS13 sleeps in his street clothes and won't change clothes for days and days unless someone makes him. I have seen him leave our home and go to BM and when he comes back three days later he still has the same clothes on! My DH showers every day and dresses very well but his kid does not and it doesn't seem to bother DH at all. How can you care about your own appearance so much but you don't pay attention to your kids' hygiene habits? Bm is the same way, she always has her hair done but her kid can have greasy hair and it's okay!


furkidsforme's picture

Have DH ask SS directly what is up. He's 13, not 3... TALK TO HIM!!! Does he not like water or showering? Hate the smell of soap? Not like "wasting" the time? Does he hate his clothes? It sounds like your SS either might have some issues (high functioning autistic people can loathe certain sensations like water or a fabric, etc), or perhaps he is depressed. Either way, it's not normal for it to be THAT extreme. Thats beyond normal 13 yo gross boy. I'm sure his peers rag on him.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Don't feel bad- SS14 has to be told to shower and change his clothes AFTER PISSING the bed. He's perfectly fine going to school covered in piss.

And yes, he's frickin' 14 and still wetting the bed once every two weeks or so. His most recent explanation for why? "I woke up and had to pee, but I was too tired to get up." :jawdrop: yeah, he'd rather lay in his own piss all night than get up.

Teenage boys in general are just gross. SS14 is beyond the pale.

sasha101's picture

I think it's normal for a lot of kids to go through a stinky stage. I don't know whether they're just too lazy or too busy doing more "exciting" stuff but it is pretty annoying. My bd21 tried it to a certain extent when she was about 10yo (but wasn't allowed to get away with it), ss16 did the same for a while when he was younger (and dh didn't enforce hygiene anything like as much as I did with my bd). SS16's hygiene has improved a lot and he showers every day though I don't think he bothers to clean his teeth or change his socks etc (again dh doesn't check, so whatever). My bd soon outgrew her stinky stage and has been extremely clean and hygienic ever since. We're noticing ss11 is starting the stinky stage now and tries to get out of showering/cleaning teeth etc. Dh doesn't do enough to enforce it, but whatever.... if he doesn't care about his son's hygiene, then why should I? I think once they get interested in the opposite sex, the problem sorts itself out - after all, who wants to get close to someone who stinks? Maybe if someone his own age tells him he stinks, he might wake up and stop being such a slob!