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The Weekend

step_parent_1988's picture

The weekend started with the Skids by as soon as they came in the door the SD complaining, and whinning "there's nothing to do", and wanting us to take her to mcdonalds, to go out somewhere. She is almost 8 years old. The whinning just kept going and then sitting on the couch. Then she wanted to go on the computer and I said no (because the computer I bought so I can control it). I stated why she wasn't allowed to go on it because of the way she was talking and whinning. She got worse. "There's nothing to do here...ahhhh!" I ignored her and so did her father. She went to bed that night and the next day began. The whole morning she kept bugging can we go to mcdonalds for breakfast I want to go out somewhere. No. The WHOLE DAY she was bugging about different things, bored, (SHE has too many toys to begin with). Plus we live in 30 minutes outside of town. I told her that on Sunday maybe she could come with me to church to help out serving for a potluck. I worked Saterday evening so when I came home she was at her grandmothers house overnight. The next morning when I brought the 3 year old to her grammies the 7 year old was still sleeping. At 9 in the morning. The grandmother said that she thought she was getting sick and maybe that was the reason for the behaviour. When she came out and asked if she was going, I said well its not a good idea this morning because we think your starting to get a cold, or the flu, and that theres elderly people at church that you can't go around if your starting to get sick. Then she ignored me. Would not talk to me at all. When I said that I had to go, and turned to leave, the 7 year old threw a fit kicking and screaming and "accidently" kicked her grandmother, and almost made her fall and ran down the hallway. The gradmother said that its alright she'll take care of it, because I do not disipline them. Thats the fathers position. When I went home I told the father about it, and he said mom will talk care of it. After I got home from church I asked where the girls where and he said that his mother took them to mcdonalds, and then when they came in the door with her they had toys! After all of that behaviour turn around and buy her toys..I couldn't belive it!


ctnmom's picture

:jawdrop: If any kid, step or bio, KICKED their GRANDMOTHER in front of me, they would get an old fashioned down home ass whuppin. The I'd throw in no McDonalds for 6 months just for good measure. What a brat!