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Now that he's gone

Stepmomed's picture

Now that my child molester SS14 is on his way to a mental hospital far away I'm finding out that he threw my curling irons away and a lot of my stuff. He will be coming back to town after 90 days for another court date. I hate I ever allowed him in my home because of what he did to my kids. I cannot wait for this nightmare to be over.


Stepmomed's picture

The hearing is Tuesday for him to be sent to the mental hospital he will be there for 90 days then he will be moving back in with his mom and he is never to contact us DH included. We spoke with an attorney and DH will be terminating his rights and BM has agreed to sign the proper paperwork for it.

Thumper's picture

I too had personal items thrown out. Money stolen. Heirlooms accidently broken.

Things that were in the family unscathed for close 100 years one item longer than that traveling from family member to family member without a scratch. UNTIL my dh's kids got near them.

Sorry about your curling irons. I understand.

I do want to bring something very important to your attention. You are not required to invite anyone back/IN your home that YOU are not comfortable with. Anyone who has hurt you, your kids and/or has the propensity to harm.
Now, it's true I do not know your husbands situation. I don't even know if the evidence proved your ss is guilty.
Since you have children you have a decision to make and so does the kids bio dad. Your obligation is to protect the children who are living inside your home.

Where is ss going to live after 90 a group home for troubled teens/

Acratopotes's picture

how's your kids, are they getting the help they need?

and I agree SS never to be back in your house,

Acratopotes's picture

good, that's ll I cared about lol.....

not about your SS... he can rot somewhere for all I care..

Stepmomed's picture

His mom told DH she will be in town for court on Tuesday ain't no way in hell is she going to be alone with DH in my home after she told him she is breaking up with her boyfriend because she wants a family and another baby. I already want to beat her a** she knew her son was messed up in the head but let asked if we wanted him with us.

Acratopotes's picture

at least now you know the truth and you can be prepared....

BM is not allowed into your house at all, never.... she can pee in the drive way for all you care and SS can follow her,

Stepmomed's picture

I want her to come in my house so she can get the piece of my mind that she needs to have

Acratopotes's picture

tried to replied but am blocked lol..... this might go through

no no no she is not allowed into your house, that will be the best victory you can get over her... and do not even give her a piece of your mind, not worth it, do not engaged with her in any way or form

Acratopotes's picture

what's done is done... put this behind you and let her take her son and never bother you again, never sit foot in your house again ..... the sooner you put this behind you the better changes you will have for healing, focus on your children and yours alone....

If this does not make DH happy then cut him loose and he can go back to BM

Stepmomed's picture

He wouldn't go back to her plus she has herpes she caught it after sleeping with her youngest daughters father

Stepmomed's picture

Yes but he after I caught him on top of my 4 year old I sent him to his room. He wrote a letter to the police telling them why he did what he did. So he knows what he did was wrong and isn't sorry at all.

Stepmomed's picture

Well this hearing is to get him to a state school to being up his IQ I was in so much shock I sent him to his room. Believe I was tempted to grab our sharpest and put it in his jugular