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Does your DH like it when skid hates you?

stepinafrica's picture

I have noticed that no matter how much I try to get on that no matter how much I try to get on the same page with dh re: ss, he ALWAYS finds a way of looking like he is the good guy and I am the mean parent.

For example, HE decided that skid has to shower every evening after school. Then one day told skid he didn't have to shower - AFTER I had told him to shower.

When I confront him about it he says he had a talk with SS and agreed that Fridays are an exception :sick:

I sense that he feels some kind of comfort, like he likes having something over me. The fact that SS loves him more than me.

It is just a feeling that I have.

Anyone have a similar experience?


Anne Boleyn's picture

Welcome to the Bad Guy Club!! There would be one big happy family here had I not come along and spoiled the party. Rrrrr

Sunflower1's picture

No Anne, that's just the kool aid they want you to drink Smile You haven't spoiled the party or happy family, you showed them the dysfunction. So that hopefully they can be a happy later in life.

MommaSaSa's picture

I totally feel you on this situation. My husband works all the time, but has sole custody of his two children from two different losers. So who gets to be in charge ALL the frickin' time? Yep- me. Luckily, my skids are pretty well behaved, but I don't vibe well with either of them. Aaaand they are both pre-teens, so the emotional attitudey part has been a lot of fun lately. They both just bug. They see their moms during the summer, Christmas, and Spring Break. So since Spring Break, neither of them have wanted to be here, and the feeling is so mutual. I'm one of those people who can't stand other people's kids, and my husband doesn't seem to get that or even try to understand it from my point of view. I am with our kids constantly, and we live in the middle of the woods with no neighbors or friends close by, so some weeks, he is the only adult I have contact with! So when I wanna bitch about the kids, I don't think that should be a big deal, but he takes it so personally and then is mad and resentful to me! Like what the hell!!? And he totally does what you are talking about- where he comes home and is the fun and "let's not do homework and just cuddle and watch a movie" parent. Where I have to be the asshole enforcing rules, chores and helping with homework. It's weird cuz I don't mind so much with my own son, but for some reason, I just get so irritated by my skids. I just feel like they are ALWAYS coming up to me needing something, but they save the good part of being a mom (hugs, loves, excitement to see you) for their own moms. I soooo wish DH would have never had kids before me. I hate it. And it grosses me out. UGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!