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Quick Mediation Question?????

StepG's picture

We are scheduled for mediation March 23rd. We are responsible for 1/2 of the mediation cost and BM for the other 1/2. What happens if she refuses/can't/won't pay for her part? We have our part saved but cannot pay for it all. Will we be required to try again at a later date?


fruitloop's picture

but I'd be interested to know the answer as well! My SD4's BM is famous for requesting mediation all the time and expecting us to pay for half.

smurfy1smile's picture

MY BF and BM were ordered to pay half for mediation and the mediator required payment from each at first session. BM forgot her wallet and had to send a check. BF did not pay her portion. Check with the mediator on how they deal with the financial arrangements. I would not mention that BM may not have any money. As far as changing the date due to underpayment, that is up to the mediator.

sunshine's picture

are paid half and half.... The mediator will expect his fee up front. In some cases I have had my clients "forget" the money but the mediator will allow them to forward payment as soon as possible. Sometimes the attorney may cover for the client... Just depends on your mediator

sunshine's picture

cancel because one party failed to pay their portion. But I guess it would depend on the mediator.

mckenzie0806's picture

with sunshine. We work in the same field in the same town..Never seen one cancelled. And never seen one party held liable for the others nonpayment. Good luck!

DISbelief's picture

I am curious to see how this turns out though.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )

stepmom2one's picture

The first time you go in WI it is free. But every time after that is $100 each. We got a bill in the mail for it, I can't remember if it was before or after the date.

If one person did not pay it would be turned to collections, BM will have no choice but to pay her half. Let Danyelle said, don't pay her half.