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Divorce Order Conflicts With Child Support Order

Socknat5914's picture

My SD broke her arm and we are beginning to incur medical expenses. The BM used to have the kids on state insurance but did not return the recertification paperwork so they were dropped. Thankfully my stepchildren are on my Insurance but we are still incurring copays.

My husbands DO stated since neither had insurance at the time they agreed to split everything (uncovered) 50/50. It also stated BM was applying for child support so they have a different order for that. They child support order states BM is responsible for first 250 per child per year then my husband is responsible for 70%. BM is refusing to pay saying everything is 50/50.
What order do we follow since they say two different things? We have been following child support order because in that order he is also required to pay 100 to the state for insurance. The child support will not modify even though she doesn't have the kids on state insurance any more. DH does not get a choice but to comply with the child support order and it is more recent then the DO. Any advice would be appreciated.


Socknat5914's picture

We just had it modified and the state child support workertdus we would spend more in legal fees to get the 100 a month off then its costing now. They will amend an order to add but not take off which makes no sense. I told DH if I pay it we are hiring an attorney and/or I will pay and file a claim in small claims. Hoping she will pay. She doesn't keep records and its myi surance so I k ow how much medical wise has been billed but that's not including OTC stuff