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They break everything

SMto3's picture

Not only are skids messy as hell, they break every damn thing. I must have written about this before. Skids room is messy but also SS10's bed is broken from them jumping on it, the t.v. in their room has a hole in it from when they snuck their father's bb gun in the room and shot it, their ceiling fan and light have trouble working from them shooting up the room. Nothing is safe around them. Before DD got out of the hospital we purchased a humidifier for her. Of course, the boys wanted to know how much it cost (which we refused to answer as they always ask for the cost of anything purchased for DD), and suddenly they needed one. They claimed they had allergies and they needed one also. When I got back from the hospital with DD, it was in their room. I asked SO if he had given it to them and he said no. I ended up buying a new one because I saw a cuter one I wanted her to have anyway. The following day, the boys broke he humidifier but they "don't know how it happened".

Yesterday SO was telling me one of his family members was asking him for money to get his laptop fixed and I suggested that SO give them the laptop he bought for me when he was getting his Mac fixed and I needed a computer for schoolwork. I don't really use the laptop because I still use SO's Mac for everything and since skids have already broken 2 of his Macs in the past, and ask to use SO's Mac (which I bought him as a Christmas gift a couple years ago), I suggested they use the laptop SO bought me.

Turns out they broke that too. I asked SS10 about it when he got home from school yesterday and he said that SS15 threw him his iphone and SS10 ducked, causing the Iphone to hit the screen of the laptop.

Last month or so, SO and I were talking and he said that he thinks I'm not going to be happy "until the boys move out". I denied it at first, because what I told him is that if they were taught not to break everything or to be a little neater, I could probably coexist in a more peaceful manner with them. But after yesterday, I'm thinking maybe he's right. SO doesn't stress material things and when things break, I do. I feel like they are unappreciative or maybe just plain careless. Skids chalked it up to "Well we're boys and that's what boys do!"

I just bought DD a bouncer and when SS10 began touching it, I sternly told him I do not want him touching DD's things, not because I don't want him to but because he has a knack for "taking things apart". I don't want them in my space at all. I wish their mom could just suddenly become responsible and get visitation again even if it's once a month. While I'm at it, I wish she taught them how to be careful with their things and how to be clean and how to be truthful. I wish she taught them to put dirty spoons/dishes in the sink and trash in the garbage can, not the floor. I wish she taught them not to leave juice/drink containers in the fridge with a last little bit of liquid. But while I'm wishing, I might as well make the biggest wish of all: I wish there wasn't a stepworld to begin with....


SMto3's picture

Thanks tommar, you're actually right about the bb gun one. Trust me, SO and I are going through it right now because we have totally different parenting styles. He's all "kids do these things", I feel like it's excessive. And as an FYI, the reason I blame BM sometimes is because SO only got custody 3 years ago, so she basically didn't set them up with the right patterns and behaviors. Now SO has to try to undo it all. Unfortunately, I don't think he's as good as he could be. I guess as a kid, I wouldn't mind having him as a parent but it doesn't work for me. They have no concept of not touching other people's stuff. They are 10 and 15, not 5! I found out that SS15 uses my flat iron for Pete's Sake! I can't even leave my stuff in the bathroom.

gtitshall's picture

It sounds absolutely crazy to me that a 15 and 10 year old are playing with a BB gun unsupervised.

My SS at age 7 slammed a door so hard a picture frame fell and broke. I told him and my fiancee he could do chores and buy a new one. They replaced it - I'm not sure if he did enough chores to pay for the whole thing, but what matters is that he found out he had to work when he broke things. Any chance doing chores to pay for breaking things could work for you guys.

SS8 + SS10 jump on the bed. I fixed it once - and made them and my fiancee help a bit (as much as they could). I told them and my finacee next time they had to fix it alone. That being said they still jump on the bed from time to time, but my fiancee really puts a good effort in to stop them when she sees it.

When I hear the line "It was an accident" I will often say to our 4 kids "if you were fooling around or using it improperly when it broke then it was not really an accident." If were to fool around and drive crazy in my car and then hurt someone do you think the judge and jury will accept it if I say it was just an accident?