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Phone rings....

seidahogirl's picture

Phone rings.....

Me: Hello?
Caller: This is the Principle at Elementary School
Me: Which child are you calling about?
Principle: SS11
Me: Oh!! Hold please while I get his father for you.

(snicker, giggle, snicker, giggle)

Me: Honey, the Principle is on the phone for you
DH: For me?
Me: Yes, it's about SS

(handed phone off to DH with a smile and tried hard to not laugh at the priceless look on DH's face)

Apparently the spawn of Satan has been in another fight at school while playing soccer. DH told Principle he'll deal with it when SS gets home as SS was forbidden to play soccer for the rest of the school year (months ago). Guess he'll be getting what he's been needing for a long time...a spanking.

This is the backup I needed to go along with my request to have SS sent to a sitter or Grandmother's house this summer while DH works and goes to school. I told DH yesterday that I will no longer keep SS as it's not worth the headache, heartache and stress. The principles call was confirmation that DH needed to show I'm not kidding when I say "SS IS OUT OF CONTROL".

SS will be home in t-minus 40 minutes.


seidahogirl's picture

You're 100% right...I shouldn't have held my breath. Know what his consequence was? Writing sentences! WTF!?

DH snatched SS by the arm and the water works started. No spanking, just the same ol' crap (yelling).

DH said "I scared the shit out of him"
I responded with "No you didnt! He won and no lesson was learned."

Just another reason why SS wont be spending the summer days at home with me when DH is at work or school.

Now I have to watch SS sit at the kitchen table all damn night writing his lame ass sentences. I guess I should be thankful that my BK's don't act like SS and I can be proud to call them my children.

seidahogirl's picture

The sentence was...
I will follow directions, learn to respect myself and others especially Mom and Dad.

A swat on the butt would have saved me 6 hours of watching SS sit at dining room table doing stupid sentence. when DD asked SS what lesson he learned....SS just repeated the freaking sentences he had been writing.

Such a waste of time and energy.