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More inappropriate BM behavior- she changed FDH's info on file at SS's school.

RogueRanger's picture

More weirdly inappropriate behavior from BM. BM volunteers at SS7's school(one of her excuses for not getting a job that actually contributes an income toward raising her son and for why she must continue living off of child support). So the info FDH put on file to SS's school is his name and the address at OUR home. We go to FDH's mother's house and there is mail from SS's school. The envelope was addressed as follows: FDH's name, then the name of FDH's company (FDH has never provided his company name as any kind of identifying info to SS's school, I mean who would), MIL's address. In the return address corner was a printout stamp with the school header thing including the school's address and then ATTN: BM's name. The envelope just contained a flyer about some fundraiser BM is apparently part of- a flyer that came home with handouts anyway. FDH summed it up well- "Is she looking for bragging rights for actually doing something?" FMIL was just mad that mail was coming to her home that had anything to do with BM. I'm wondering if this goes beyond inappropriate though? If someone abused access to the school office in that way... taking it upon themself to alter MY info AND had the audacity to put ATTN: their name like "Hello, yes it was me that did this" I'd definitely take the issue up with school administration. Should this be brought to the school's attention?


12yrstepmonster's picture

I would bring it to the schools attention that the address and information was changed on the fathers address. Then I would request that the information is only to be changed by the father and boomed else. I'm not sure how involved the school will become. I know with my sk to get school information we had to drop off self addressed stamped envelopes.

It boggles my mind to the extent that some custodial parents will go to,assert control.

MJL2010's picture

LOL, 12yr- this issue of the lengths some BMs will go to to assert control is what has eaten most of my morning! It is absolutely astounding!!!

MJL2010's picture

I would think so! Our BM has defaced school property (one of the boys' journals, where she scratched out my name and wrote something else in) as well as having changed lots of information on school documents. It's all a game to these BMs. Yours is definitely playing a game, definitely wants bragging rights, and definitely wants the school to know how dedicated/involved of a mother she is. That way, your DH is always seen as doing less for SS, and if big bad Stepmom ever comes around the school, people will be surprised if you don't have cloven hooves and a devil tail.

He really should make at least the main office aware that she is changing information, and that this affects his ability to be kept abreast of what's going on at SS's school.

BSgoinon's picture

These BM's. They are NUTS.

We bought all of SS's school supplies. I keep a notepad of blank lined paper in each of the kids backpacks to use for scratch paper when they are doing homework etc, that way I don't have to track down paper when we are working on homework, it is always RIGHT THERE. I have ALWAYS done this. Every year, every kid. I wrote his name and classroom number inside of it. All of the sudden the notepad disappeared. I asked BM to please put it back in there because we use it when he is doing homework. Instead she put a different note pad in there with her handwriting on the inside of it. WTF? What is the big deal?

MJL2010's picture

OMG, ours did something like that with folders! I had written their names, grade, teachers in Sharpie on their folders. The next time they came to us, what I had written had been smeared off to the best of her ability, and she had written messy, crappy construction-paper labels to go right over where my writing had been, taped on with clear postal service wide thick tape (that, sadly for her, was already coming off of the FiveStar glossy folders).

B, what a great idea about the notepad in their backpack. I am ON THAT! Thank you for sharing- always grateful for good ideas regarding schoolwork!

Auteur's picture

The Behemoth would just leave off GG's info and add her mother as secondary contact. And since GG didn't seem to give a flying F, then eventually neither did I.

herewegoagain's picture

Crazy witch has taken DH off of loser skid's school records so many times, I stopped counting. DH just calls again and has them put him on once again. Actually, I think there is something strange going on since HER NAME was NOT on the skid's school records last time DH put his name on them, yet her husband's name was...and some other lady. Which of course, we believe SD is probably on welfare, lying about not living with her parents or who knows what. Nothing we can do, except file for custody and there is no way we are spending a dime to attempt to get custody of a crazy 17yr old with a baby, who we know doesn't want to come her and who treats her father like garbage.

PS - praying it all ends next year...