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16 year physcopath..

RhondaJSharp's picture

I dont know what steps this hospital has to take. But they are going to give the boy one chance to screw up. The only way that he can come home though is if he has a officer over him supervising. Keeping him under his thumb. The Therapists there has told us he wont be able to live out of a uncontrolled enviroment. I have to put up with this idiot again. I want to scream, dont get me wrong I am glad we are talking to people that know he is full of shit. And it feels good to know that we have the upper hand on him. I just cant get over the fact that I got to wait for him to hurt one of us, before they put him in a residential facility. I would like to leave for a week, cuz I know that is all it will take for him to hang himself. But dh wont let me. I am sure he is thinking "grow up and act like an adult, he is just a kid." And I am thinking, he isn't mine. He is yours. Your kid, your obligation. Every time they get into it he doesn't want me to get involved. He just wants me to be seen and not heard with this kid. That is why I am like that. It is not cuz I am a complete and utter bitch. I dont want to live in the same house with him. I dont want to even be in the same room, this is going to be interesting, watching him hang himself. Therapist said, he has no impulse control. That he is physcotic. That is just great. I want that around my babies.


Selkie's picture

I understand your frustration dealing with a mentally ill teenager. You've witnessed a lot of abuse from this kid and he obviously needs more help than he's getting. But I'm having a very difficult time with your apparent glee over the idea of this child committing suicide. That, to me, is psychopathic.

Pantera's picture

i think she meant hanging himself with his behavior, not literally hanging himself (hopefully).

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

onehappygirl's picture

That's the meaning I got too. She's not waiting for him to kill himself.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

RhondaJSharp's picture

There is no glee, I did mean letting him get his self in trouble. I know that I dont have to do any thing but sit back and watch.