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This is who your child has to spend half her time with...

Rhinodad's picture

Well, we've actually made some progress around here. Instead of SD7 going on a 2-2-3 schedule between her parent's houses, she's now here a week and at her dad's a week, and it rotates. Much better for a kid who probably has ADHD (her parents refuse to get her tested despite about 100 people, including teachers for 3 years telling them they should).

That being said, with this arrangement it has become much more apparent what a dumbass her father is. First, she is complaining to us that her father never takes her outside. All they do is stay inside and watch tv and play video games. Now, he lives in an apartment with not much green space, but there are about 5 parks within a mile or so. Seems to me he is just being lazy, but his daughter is starting to recognize it. She's also complaining about how he doesn't feed her any "good" food. Tells us she never eats veggies over there (which he has confirmed to us - because he doesn't like them).

But yesterday took the cake. This is our week with her, but DW decided to let SD go out with her BD twice this week. Wednesday was for dinner with his mom for her bday, so he picked her up from school... and brought her back to our house at 9pm (two hours later than DW asked him to). Thankfully, she had no additional homework (or so we thought). Thursday was take your child to work day - I work from home, and at DW's work kids have to be 8 before they can be brought, so she went with her BD. She had some leftover homework that she needed to finish by Friday so DW gave it to him to have her do while he was working. He complained of course, but DW didn't give in.

So anyway, DW gets a call later on that SD7 is arguing with him about her homework. She keeps telling her dad that Y can be a vowel, and he keeps telling her Y is a consonant, and never a vowel. To the point where SD7 is in tears. DW tells him he's wrong, A-E-I-O-U-and sometimes Y, etc. He still doesn't believe her, says he's never heard of Y being a vowel. Looks it up on the internet, and guess what - he's wrong. So, SD7 comes to our house after work with her homework "finished." DW and I decide to check it. She has completely done her language arts work wrong... didn't follow the directions and her dad had her treat Y as a consonant, even though it is a vowel in all her spelling words. Then I check her math homework, which consists of telling time by reading clock hands, as well as counting coins to figure out how much money is there. This is 2nd grade math. Out of 4 worksheets, at least half the problems on both were wrong. So we had to go over those with her too.

So, SD7 tells us he didn't help her at all with it other than telling her Y is always a consonant. We have to tell her that she was right, her dad was wrong. Then I ask her if her Dad reviewed her math with her... she says yes and that he said everything was correct. DW confirms with him via text message that he went over it. Half of the problems are incorrect. Half! So she is getting upset with me and my wife because her daddy told her these were all correct. We told her no, they are not correct, your father was wrong in telling you that they are correct. My wife was fuming mad - we shouldn't have to review stuff that he already supposedly reviewed with her. But I guess we have to now. This is a guy with both a high school diploma and a college degree. I guess that is a scathing indictment of education in this country.


doll faced sm's picture

My Husb is like that, though he only has a GED. I'm studying physics and math right now in college; he actually had a 15 minute argument with me where he insisted a lightyear was a measure of time, not distance. He absolutely cannot be trusted to help with homework - even 4th grade math is beyond his scope of ability. But you can't convince him he's wrong.

Rhinodad's picture

I can understand getting a question wrong once in a while if you are helping out each week. However, getting 8-10 questions wrong out of 20 on a worksheet is ridiculous.

I don't think he is that dumb - I think he just lied and told us he reviewed it when he actually did not.