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pjillie88's picture

I decided a few months before marrying DH that I had to disengage because I absolutely HATE his children and it was consuming me, changing my personality and spoiling my spirit. I even stopped buying their favorite groceries - cereal, waffles, etc - and I only buy necessities and DH and my favs. I don't feel guilty about it because I have allowed myself freedom from the hideous people they are, I didn't create this mess and it's beyond me to "fix" them. SS15 is a bumbling, awkward IDIOT, and practically everything out of his mouth is total nonsense. I am 99.9% sure that he has undiagnosed Asberger syndrome but DH becomes angry and defensive at the suggestion that something is "off" about the kid *insert eyeroll here* . SD10 is a brat and most annoying about her is that she behaves like a toddler most of the time. She eats like a toddler, ought to be wearing a bib and sitting in a highchair, she throws fits like a toddler, sucks her thumb (YES, 10 y.o. sucking her thumb still!!) and when she thinks it is cute, she baby talks. It is DISGUSTING. The worst part, is that if I point any of this out, try to embarrass her into stopping the behavior, DH steps in and gives excuses or defends her, so this will continue until she is ridiculed and/or bullied by her peers, thanks to DH. I know it may seem crazy that I went ahead and married DH with all this, but I couldn't deny or ignore that I love this man. We dated for 3 years prior, and even though his spawn are a total trainwreck, he has a big heart, the patience of Job, and tries so hard for his family. Disengaging really did change the dynamic for the better - caused him to have to step up and OWN the mess that they are, opened his eyes to them being messes, and as I said, freed me. is my issue now. I have really been thinking about our future in the past couple of months because we have broken ground on building a house together and it has dug up some MAJOR concerns. First of all, DH has a son from 1st marriage, he is 22 and complete waste of space - he lives with his grandparents, has never held a job, just now finished his GED (who knows why  since he has no motivation to ever work), sits in his room and plays video games all day and night and on the rare occasion that he comes to visit, he is unshowered, greasy, smelly and wearing dirty clothes. Another prize child of DH....he must be so proud (sarcasm lol). My worry is this... we invest OUR hard-earned money into building this home, I sweat every interior decision and in the end, it's a beautiful reflection of us. Fast forward about 10 years. I can totally see SS22 (now 32) moving in on us, SS15 (now 25) STILL leaching off of us, because I can't imagine this idiot doing ANYYHING to have a future or life, he has ZERO common sense, zero initiative... and SD20 thinking it's HER domain, trying to run things. Meanwhile, my kids will probably keep their distance bc they can barely stomach any of them (because they're both NORMAL, productive members of society). I really feel that I need to seriously think of exiting this sh%# show before it goes this far. Even though I dearly love DH, thinking I need to cut my losses and get the heck outta here. Thoughts? Advice? Any ideas that would maybe help for me to stay and have a future with my DH?


tog redux's picture

I don't think love is enough. You already do not respect his parenting and that will just just grow into resentment as time goes on. He may be a nice guy, but he's a poor parent who can't set limits, and you are right that that will never end. 

Also, he doesn't really care about your needs, either, at least where they conflict with his desire to keep being Fun Dad and not a real parent.


susanm's picture

How far into the house building process are you and is it possible to put the breaks on it without losing too much investment?  Because you may be financing the building of a self-designed prison rather than a dream house.  I would give this some serious thought.

advice.only2's picture

I'm not sure why you married a man you have no respect for, that doesn't grasp me as a strong foundation to start a marriage on.

My take is don't build a house together, live in whatever home you are now and keep it that way until all the children have aged out, yours included. Once all the kids are out of the house, downsize to a two bedroom which won't allow for any children moving back into the home.

lieutenant_dad's picture

You said he has the patience of Job. Whike biblically that's all well and good, realistically it sounds like this:

Someone with the paitence of Job means that they let sh*t keep happening over and over again to them, and instead of trying to step up and fix the situation, they just assume it will all work out in the end.

This isn't Satan who is testing him with God's approval. This is a man who sat on his rear end and won't parent his children because he's too "nice" (to them, of course, because he's brash with you if you speak up about it). And he's not even just a lazy parent; he's actively hurting at least one of his children by not acknowledging something is wrong and getting him help.

Your disengagement proved to your DH that he can continue to sit on his rear and not do anything because it still worked out for him. Now, he can keep being a bad dad and you won't speak up because you can't/don't care anymore. He has zero incentive to change because his "patience of Job" mentality has actually paid off.

So, no, don't dig yourself deeper into a financial and legal mess with this man. Build the home of YOUR dreams, but keep is separate from your DH. He sounds like he'd be fine enough to date because he's good enough at the surface. But dig any deeper (as you're doing) and you realize he's not husband material.