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I should just get "SUCKER" tattooed across my forehead

PeanutandSons's picture

Apparently mil isn't just a c#$t to me.....she is to her own daughter too. Just found out that a few weeks ago mil decided that she would no longer babysit SILs baby while she was in school.

Sil live with her parents. The deal was that she moved in with them and mil would watch the baby for her while she went to school and sil would care for her father (double amputee and in failing health) while mil worked. Great deal right? Except that 4 months in, mil decided that she didn't want to watch her grandson anymore. So now SILs is stuck at their house, unemployed and in school and without childcare or the ability to pay for it.

So she has her ex sister in law(not related to this baby) take him after church on Sunday and keep him until Wednesday night. Then her ex (not related to this baby) watches him on Thursday and Friday. All while mil sits chilling at their home. She literally doesn't see her 4 month old baby from Sunday morning until Wednesday night. Then spends 30 minutes each way driving the baby back and forth to her first two kids baby daddy two day. While her mom sits at the house playing candy crush on Facebook. Un-fucking-real.

So I made the offer to watch my nephew on Fridays. We only live 5 minutes down the road from them (not that you'd know it from how little they have to do with my kids) so at least she doesn't have to drive all over the county and can spend a bit more time with him. Totally monkey wrenches my day, and I'm saddled with another infant on my one skid free day....but damn, family has to count for something. Right?

But on the plus side, it should piss mil off to no end when she find out that I have him.


bearcub25's picture

Surely she would qualify for state day care assistance? If this is an option, she should check into it.

Disneyfan's picture

Since she's unemployed and in school, she should be able to get a child care voucher from social services.

Maybe caring for the child, her husband and working was just more than MIL could handle. I sure as heck would not be able to do all of that.

PeanutandSons's picture

Yeah, I get that its a lot. But she really should have thought of that before encouraging sil to quit her job and go back to school while pregnant. Mil was the one who cooked up this whole plan and is now leaving sil high and dry.

SIL is still tending file while mil works.

Disneyfan's picture

Sometimes you don't know how things will impact you until you're all in.

Do you know if there is a day care on campus?

PeanutandSons's picture

Not sure, but I assume that it that was an option she would be doing that instead of shipping her baby off for 4 days straight and begging her ex to babysit.

PeanutandSons's picture

Yeah, it really is. She isnt even offering to watch her grandson one or two days.

Me, I'd feel horrible if I put someone in this position. I would offer to still watch him on th and f since her only other solution for the other 4 days was to give the baby to someone else.

But not my mil. Selfish to the end.

Willow2010's picture

Ok..on the outside looking in …. Your MIL should not have told her she would baby sit until the end of time. But I would assume it is hard for MIL to do all of that.

And I also think that one thing wrong with todays younger kids is that they want/expect the grandparents to raise their kids. My mom did babysit for me in the evenings sometimes, but other than that,,,,I did not expect her to keep them every day.

People really should not have kids until they are ready to support it. JMHO.

Most colleges do have free sitting. And if she is that broke I am sure she can get some type of help. If even for a short time.

Willow2010's picture

Per previous daddy fled. And this SIL always seems to be leaving her kids at random places.

PeanutandSons's picture

Yeah, baby daddy to this one is gone. And she's def a crap mom, but I can't help but feel bad for her in this situation.

Mil was the one who set up and insisted on this situation. She was always peeved that the first two girls were babysat by the dads family and weren't as close with her. So she made it hr mission to assert herself as THE grandma with this one. Insisted sil go back to school instead of get another job when she was layed off, so that she could babysit. Mil leaves for work at 2, so if sil worked all dsycthen the baby would have been in daycare. But with SILs in school she is home by 1230, so mil could watch the baby. This deal was supposed to be in place for two years, when sil finished her nursing degree.

Irony is that mil has flaked and the people watching this baby are her ex and his fsmy....yet again.

PeanutandSons's picture

But that's why I say I'm a sucker. Had nothing to do with me, but I felt bad and stuck my nose in to try and fix it.

I just think of how miserable I would be in her situation, not seeing my baby for four days every week and constantly worrying about finding someone to watch him, shuffling him all over the place.