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Legal Eagles

onwednesdayswewearpink's picture

Question for the legal eagles- according to the IRS which parent should claim the children on taxes:

Parents divorced last year after being separated two, dad has claimed both children every year since birth, mom just started working 3 years ago.
2 school age children.
Joint custody w/ 50/50 visitation Sun-Sun.
No mention of taxes in divorce decree.
Dad pays $500 in cs and provides insurance because of pay difference.

Asking for a friend.

Thanks ladies.


ESMOD's picture

I believe it is the parent with the higher AGI (adjusted gross income) that should be claiming the child. In practice, sometimes it's the first one to file and then a pain to get it reversed.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Should definitely ask the accountant HOWEVER I just spoke with my cousin-in-law who is our accountant about this topic (originally it was about people getting their social security number stolen and getting told it was already filed that year.)

He said it now depends on who has the most overnights and who pays more in terms of the upkeep of the kids.

Obviously it's probably more complicated than that but have her ask an accountant.

Solidshadow7's picture

Even in a 50/50 arrangement its likely that one parent has more overnights. If both parents were to claim the children, the IRS would audit them both, and give the credit to the parent with more overnights, even if its just one night.

Tuff Noogies's picture

the thing about using overnights, is you can't really prove it. if one parent is not given primary physical custody, then it goes by whichever parent has the highest AGI.

Maxwell09's picture

It's whoever has the most overnights. There are 365 days a year so one parent has the kid more than the other. In a 50:50 case, it should rotate each year.

ESMOD's picture

I believe that the CO can override the rules. If the CO is silent on the issue, then they will use the overnights and income etc...

onwednesdayswewearpink's picture

Thanks ladies... more to the situation- mom and dad stopped getting along when my friend started dating dad last year. Mom filed for full custody, fought it out in court, ended up losing and the 50/50 stayed the same. She claimed both kids back in January and dad tried to file this weekend only to discover that she had already claimed them. I wasn't sure on the legality when there is nothing in the co about it.

onwednesdayswewearpink's picture

They do every Sunday switch off, as far as holidays go dad gets Father's Day and mom gets Mother's Day, other than that she said they are all split days at 2 from whoever had the kids. I asked her who would have the 183 vs 182 and she said she didn't know, they don't keep track because it's never been a problem.