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a reminder why i left!

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Sooooo... To follow this post, u will need to read the last post.

My ex got out of jail yesterday. Has he contacted my son? No. So after that crazy text on Friday, he hasn't contacted him.

And after me worrying about how to deal with this with my bs13, my ex showed his butt and made me mad. I'm mad for the crap that he is doing to his current wife. Grrrrrrrrr a huge reminder why I left his ass.

So he for got out, and of course, straight to fb. We aren't fb friends. He is friends with my son. I logged into my sons fb, which I rarely do, to see how things were playing out.

This Jackass is making a joke about it on fb, with all his "girlfans" (my new favorite word for fb harpies who go googoo over men on fb, and praise him even though they don't have a clue what the hell happened)

His various post read something like

"finally got my car and clothes"

(Sm nickname finally got me. Karma has come back to me I guess hahahaha

SM finally got me with her whoring ways

Bogus charges, gonna be dropped, now, what to do with the rest of my life

And some of his responses were that they don't argue around the kids.

GRRRRRR. I'm so mad at him for SM. He's such a jerk! And of course all his girlfans were telling him to move on, its not worth it, he is too old for all that drama, let me know if you need me crap.

Ugh. I wanted to vomit. I hope like hell she doesn't drop the charges. And I hope she sees it, and gets as mad as I did.

I know he has cheated on her, I know he has lied to her. And he knows he did wrong because his ass thought he was going up river. I am now to the point I WANT him to go to jail. Jackass.

As far as letting my bs know, I told him they were having problems and dad did some stupid crap, so he may not be going to see if for awhile. It's 2 weeks until scheduled visitation so by that time, I'm sure my ex and I will have it out.

His charges were pretty serious. And his has hasn't even sent me a thank u for my bondsman friend working with him to get him out. Jerk. Damn.

At least I can expect my child support on time or I will snatch his ass up!