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Nomad69's picture

I recently turned 40 and have 2 stepkids ages 13 and 8. I am at the end of my rope. They say there is no such thing as a bad kid, but for the last 7 years my stepkids have tried to prove that statement wrong. It all statred when my stepson whi is now 13 was 8. He was a hyper kid who demanded alot of attention. My wife had been in an abusive marriage prior. My stepson was wild, hype, and out of control. In the beginning I thought he was just being a kid. He wanted someone to care about and love him and wanted attention. I soon found out that he did want these things, just on his terms. After months of this behavior my wife told me that if it was becoming a problem I need to discipline him. That was the biggest mistake I made. It all went downhill fromthere. That was6 years ago. my stepson ow throw a fit on a regular basis and reverts back to 2 years old whn I get on him to do his chroes, or do his chores correctly. He is disrespctful, lazy, mouthy, steals, lies, and a slob. My stepdaughter is a little diva, and not in a good way. She is now 8 and whenever she gets in trouble begins to cry and flash the puppy dog eyes. This works with my wife. I am always the bad guy. I have tired to let things go, but I work hard and when I get home I expect the kids to clean up their messes and do their chores. Teeth pulling is necessary to get this accomplished most of the time. I have give the kids chores, yes, chroes. I know they are kids. I was raised by my mom to respect what she said and do what she said. Little did I realize this was preparing me for life at the time. I did hate her in my mind a few times, but I would have never thought of calling my mom a " douchebag " or telling her I " hated her ans wished she were dead. ". I hear these on a consistent basis. Of couse I hear them from my wife also so the kids get it from her. Now today I get up and the following chroes should have been done last night-


None were completed. We own a dishwasher that was piled and overloaded so bad because stepson threw it in to concesl it. Trash can overflowing onto floor as usual. Litter box in upstairs bathroom can besmelt downstairs, we have 2 cats. Table covered with food and greasy fingerprints. Food on floor not picked up. Cats pacing and meowing due to hunger, cat bowls empty. If I do it myself my wife gets on me and tells me" make the kids do it" So I call my kids downstairs and proceed to firmly tell them to do their chores and let them know I am upset. Wife then asks why the day has to start this way. Note to self- just keep you mouth shut for now on the kids are slobs. My stepson stsarts crying and goes into a acadamy award winning performance of my sister never helps and nobody cares or loves me I hate my life. All becuase he has not taken his medication this morning. I calmy tell him to go to his room, he starts yelling I hate it here. I then am informed by my wife my step daughter is also to blame and she is tormenting the 6" tall 13 year old on a regular basis. LOL. By the way, my wife alowws it to happen while I spend my 10-14 hours at work daily. Then when she cannot handle it I am called in as the calvary to set things straight. Then I am the bad guys again in the eys of my WIfe and stepkids. So today I am at mthe end of my rope. I have had the following happen in the last several years-
1) House attempted to be lit on fire, SS lied about and was committed for psych exam.
2) money and personal belongings stolen from house, found in SS room. He denies.
3) SS has hit mon in public and threatened to kill her in her sleep.
4) Bike stolen from school, SS stole it and ditched got caught. SS denied it.
5) SS ran away, had to be apprehended by police. He call the officer a " PIG " to his face. He was 12.
6) SS drew with black marker on neighbors brand new Chrysler 3000. Had other kids stand and watch him as he bragged. SS denied when police showed up.
7)Wife was cleanng up SS's and found porn magazines and videos given to him by another child whose mother said it was okay if wife allowed it. My wife does not allow it at all.

So the above are a few example of what has happened , and I could go on for hours if I wanted to. Today I lost it and am the bad guys because I expect my stepkids to follow the rules and do their chores. So I will be moving out at the end of the month and leaving my wife due to this ongoing problem of 6 years. Because remember there are no bad kids. Only bad parents, of which I have been labeled by my wife and stepkids. Amazing that the 2 times we have seperated over issues she has had worse problems from the kids that when we have been together and she calls in the calvary, me.


sbplus3's picture

I am so sorry to hear this. It does sound like you are in a no win situation if your wife does not want to be a MOM about the situation. They are her kids, and therefore she should be disciplining them, and she isn't. Putting it on you is not fair. You should just let the house go... as disgusting as you may think it will be, let it go. When the kids have no clean dishes or no pets and a filthy house maybe your wife will get it. She needs to step up, you sound like you have tried your best. It definately sounds as though mom is in denial about the severity of her son's issues..."threatened to kill her in her sleep" wow! very scary. I wish you luck.

"To win one's joy through struggle is better than to yield to melancholy"- Andre Gide

Nomad69's picture

Thanks for your words. I appreciate that there are others out there that understand. I was so upset when I wrote that blog I mis-spelled so much. Just not sure what to do anymore and my SD is starting to act the same way. Love my wife, but at 40 I need to think about the rest of my life and being happy also. Thank you so much.

Freedom2005's picture

I am so sorry for you Nomad. I know that it is hard to be a parent, even harder to be a step. It sounds like you are at the end.

Have you tried to talk to your wife about this, like "I can't be the last line of defense, or the ONLY line of defense."

She needs to help by stepping up.

I can understand, my Bf and I talk constantly about how the kids should be disciplined. We never see exactly eye to eye.

Once again, I am so sorry this is happening. I hope you find peace.

Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'
Erich Fromm

Most Evil's picture

This is a real shame, and I don't blame you for leaving! It sounds like there is no winning this, without your wife doing her part.-!!! (after all, she is the actual parent, ya?!!!) _________________________________________________________
"The movies are the only business where you can go out front and applaud yourself." -
Will Rogers

Nomad69's picture

I sometimes feel like she wants to be their freind more than their mom. She is the youngest of 5 kids and 8 years my junior, but she acts like they are old enough to make their own decisions on what they get to do instead of laying down the law. Don't get me wrong, I am by no means perfect. I try and provide for them the best I can, and my wife does not work right now. My skids act like they do not have to listen at all, and she seems to undermind me when I am not around. Thanks for your kind words. I appreciate it.

stepmom2one's picture

I usually don't recommend this but here it goes....disengage.

I disengaged on a different level them some others here. I was also the person that got stuck doing a lot of the punishments, and being sure they were stuck out till the end of the assigned time ( my DH would say to SD10 "want to see a movie?" on a no tv day").

So I stopped. I told him in bed, after the kids were in bed, that I was not doing it anymore. I am the one to get blame, always. Always the bad guy. He is her parent and will take care of her....

This took awhile till it really sunk in. If he did something that I didn't agree with I force myself to be quiet till bed time--then I talk to him about.

I started this about 1 yr ago and though it probably took 6 months or so for him to understand that ALL the punishments were to be handed down to him he got it. And things have been a lot better for us and our family.

When SD is with me, DH is not home. I do simple things that a babysitter might do. Like when she pushed our 3 yr old by the stairs I just said "that is not acceptable, you know better than that. Go to your room for awhile." And she hour or so later she will come out on her own.

At night I will tell DH what happened, he talks to her and punishs her the next day. If I had time to tell him that day--if she went outside or to a friends house I would do it then. The point is to talk about the issues out of ear shot of the kids, you don't want them to know/think you are "telling on them".

It took time but it worked for me. Some say it didn't work for them---it was a long process, you have to commit to it. Your DW is not going to be happy about it.