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Makes me sick

nicole's picture

it makes me sick to look at him...when i do i associate him with the ex...that isnt healthy is it?? Ive had to deal with her more than i ever wanted..He never had to deal with my ex...NEVER..I have ahd i know this is harsh..but i hate him because he has let her come into my life way to much....And his ex step kids pretend to want me around til im around them...then im ignored and they talk about the ex (their mother)...He lives in my home, but i want to run away..I dont even want to go home,,,And on top of all that his mom keeps calling me by the ex's name ....ugh.


melis070179's picture

ew...why would his mom do that? You've been with this guy for 5 years, right? She hasn't learned your name in all that time? Do you think she's doing it on purpose? I think he needs to tell these girls not to bring up their mom in front of you, its just disrespectful to be doing that all the time.

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

Georgie Girl's picture

I would RUN for the hills. Have you really been with him for 5 years and mil can't remember your name? What a bitch. I think I would have to kick him out. You don't need the headache. I have been doing this for 5 years now and it just gets worse.

smurfy1smile's picture

During family functions on BF's side someone always calls one of the girls by BM's name. The first time it happened it was a little weird but we all blew it off cause FFIL calls his own wife the wrong name frequently. We now have a family joke - whenever someone does something dumb, selfish, etc we say that's such a BM (her name) thing to do.

I agree that you should send him packing! Its your house and your rules.

lil_teapot's picture

you are sooo much better off w/o him. I wish I was in your shoes...I made the mistake of moving in with my fh and I am now stuck in a mess of epic proportions....all my stuff's here, I still am paying on my old place and cant get out of the lease until next year, and I have to contribute to our home here so I have no extra money at all...I am completely stuck. What started out as a great relationship has turned to crap. I have issues with fh being too chummy with the bm, not including me in our joint decisions, and feeling excluded from my own supposed-life. I am miserable now and don't see any way out. Had the tables been turned and he and his kids had moved in with me, I guarantee you that I would have changed the locks by now and had his things taken out while he was at work if he were living with me.
It sounds like everyone in his life is against you, and you know what, let them. He can live dysfunctionally ever after with them, and you can live a happy, well-adjusted life on your own with somebody new. I'd get out now while the gettin is good!