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Just another vent/rant.

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Since my BF finally started standing up and putting up boundaries with BM things were going very smooth. But he slacks off a little and back to crazyville we go. He stopped taking her calls because all it amounted to was her yelling at him and telling him what to do. So he communicated via text only. Once she realized he wasn't going to back down she stopped the texting too it was nice Smile Well SD was with BM for the last two weeks, she had Thanksgiving break this year and last week was her regular EOW. So SD was sick pretty much all during Thanksgiving break. BM never took her to the doctor once. So school starts back last Monday and SD is still sick. She is more than likely faking because she doesn't like to go to school when she knows her mom and sis are going to be home all day. But BM keeps her out of school so she misses Monday and Tuesday. Then Wednesday the phone calls start. He ignores them then the texts "Answer your phone its about SD". Now for me I would have continued to ignore her demands but no he calls her back. All she had to say regarding SD was that she was still sick and staying home from school :? He told her to take her to the doctor she said she didn't have the money for the copay.

She then starts in on him about all the things he needs to do. SD needs xyz and he needs to pay for it. Her truck is giving her problems and she needs it to drive "your daughter" around. SD always becomes "his daughter" when money is involved for something she needs. What about winter jacket and Christmas presents?? Like any of those things are his problem, but she guilts him by using SD. This woman is a lunatic I swear but him answering the call proved my point to him. She is just waiting for him to go back to being the doormat he used to be!!!