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Husbands get jealous, too!

New Stepmom's picture

For what it's worth, we're not the only jealous ones in our relationships - at least I am not. It's funny because I get so caught up in the issues that I sometimes deal with while being a "second" wife that I don't think about my own hubby's jealousy issues.

One of my girlfriends called me to tell me an interesting story about my ex-boyfriend that I dated off and on for four years. I mentioned that my mom had also told me the same thing that my friend had told me and Hubby was like "why does your mom care? See, that's just disrespectful to me." And after my friend and I talked, he acted so quiet for a little while, like he was pouting!

It's funny because he wishes he was my first everything, just like I wish I was his first everything - I have never been married before, but that doesn't make a difference in his eyes - he's even jealous of ex-boyfriends! I never think twice about other girls he may have dated or been with.

So every time we think about how we're "second" and all of that, our husband's think the same thing to some degree.


Little Jo's picture

Same here. I was never married and not like a had alot of boyfriends, but yeah, my BF at times will question me like I'm keeping some deep dark secret feeling from him.

The worse for my BF is when we are watching 'Lost' and I get all 'weeeeeee' over Sawyer. lol. He's like, you don't see me doing that over anyone.

It's funny and cute.

New Stepmom's picture

is my favorite and he gives me such a hard time whenever we watch one of his movies or he is in a magazine or whatever.

ps...Sawyer is a HOTTIE!!

Bonus Wife's picture

You know gals are right on the money. I have an exbf (dated only for a week or two - LOL) and everytime this guy calls me (it's only for business only twice a year) I get the third degree and he gets in "a mood." I think I may have to use this to my advantage when making points in the future....Like, Dh recently slipped and asked his exwife to make him a bootleg copy of a CD when he heard it playing at their old house. (Barf) I was standing there as well but couldn't believe he didn't realize this crossed over the invisible "were no longer friends" boundary line with her..Anyway, I think I will tell DH, this guy has called and is going to make a copy of a CD I used to like...hee hee hee......What's good for the goose is good for the gander. (Or should I say I asked my ex-husband for the copy of a CD? Which would be more effective in making my point? Hmmmm

New Stepmom's picture

That's the person you should say is making the CD.

Yes, I have used this as ammo before. I only had one serious boyfriend before meeting my DH and was single for a long time. I dated lots of guys, but not super serious. Anyway, he is so jealous - jealous of the fact that I got to date around, jealous of the fact that I got to go out and experience the single life - jealous that I got to travel around with my girlfriends and see fun sights and enjoy life. He was too busy getting out of college and jumping into a marriage and starting to have babies - all because she pressured him into that. He missed out on all those fun times that I got to enjoy to the fullest.

Honestly, my husband thinks he has more of a right to be jealous of my life than I have to be jealous of him. I am like HELLO! You were MARRIED and had kids!! I didn't do any of that, lucky for him! He couldn't handle half of what I have dealt with if the shoe was on the other foot.

Bonus Wife's picture

Did I also mention that in the future anytime he slips up, and calls me by her name or crosses the boundary line, I am withholding rubbing his feet for a week at a time...So far I'm not playing masseuse for two weeks based on yesterdays errors..LOL Eventually he'll get with the program I hope. Gotta treat em like kids and do time outs it seems for them to get it through their thick heads...
Actually I love my husband....and we have a lot of fun together..I wish I really didn't have to resort to these measures. I'll let you know if they wind up working! Have a great day ladies.

New Stepmom's picture

I missed it...did you post somewhere else about him calling you by her name??? Time to seek need to call him by your ex boyfriend's name! Hee hee! :evil:

Little Jo's picture

My knuckle head has called me her name few times. A couple of times when we are having a heavy converstation, and he will immediately applogize.

The other times it's when I'm riding him about something. He recently addmitted he does it on purpose just to piss me off.

We love them but they can be cluless at times!