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I'm leaving tomorrow

Needalifeboat's picture

Things have just hit that final straw. I'm too exhausted to get too far into it but needed to vent a little. This man is incapable of being there for me emotionally. He thinks I'm just too needy and expect too much from him. Thanksgiving was a mess, his 14 year old was disrespectful to me the entire time. I spent the holiday unhappy. It was bad enough that I didn't have my kids with me, I had to put up with her being a brat, overdoing the daaaaaaaaddy to an extreme, rolling her eyes at me, interrupting me when I talked, she took my seat at the adult table, making the available one at the kids' table. So what did SO do? Ask her to move by her sister and cousins? Nope. He pulled up another chair to the kids' table and that's where we sat. God forbid we upset the princess. He spent two days tripping over himself to make her happy.

I bring these things up in counseling this week and her advice is to ignore it and kill it with love. She says it's not SD's fault that she feels this way. Of course SO agrees with this wholeheartedly because he doesn't want to argue with her. I told the counselor that I didn't agree, that I would never allow my kids to be disrespectful of any adult. Especially my partner. She said I could disagree but her advice doesn't change. SO gets upset if my kids don't specifically say hello to him when they come home or goodbye when they leave for school. Fair enough, I've worked on this and make sure my kids greet him, say goodnight, etc. So here I am enforcing this respect and his child won't be held to those standards.

I'm so done. I had a doctor's appt yesterday and cried through the entire visit. Thank goodness I have such a wonderful doctor, he spent an hour with me. And made me lay down, my blood pressure was 150/107. I'm a small person so that's crazy high for me. My body is telling me things are not well. What more do I need to get out of this hell? I came home from that appt, no compassion from SO. No hug, nothing. He said I'm in a funk and he just doesn't get it. He's scared to be with someone that can be down and stressed like this and that there's nothing else he can do about it. He fed my kids dinner last night because I had a ridiculous amount of work to get through. When I'm done working I tell him thank you for that. He says that's the things I do to show you I care, I feed YOUR children dinner so you can work. (For anyone that follows my posts I have his kids alone with me on weekends because he works and drive them an hour and a half one way home every Sunday) There are no breaks for me, kids 7 days a week. I don't expect a medal for this. It's part of being in a partnership with someone with kids.

He said I have constant needs, just needy all the time. Other people in my life tell me this isn't the case, that he's high maintenance and expects everything his way. He comes first always.

He's mad at me for crying and being upset yesterday so he's giving me the silent treatment today. I don't have it in me for this. The kids will go to their dads tomorrow after school, I'll pack some things. When he gets home from work I'm telling him im leaving and going to my moms.


Needalifeboat's picture

Idk I'd feel like an ass not ending it in person I guess. He's a salesman and a good talker aka manipulator so my plan is to not allow him to do any talking. Just this isn't working, we tried and I'm leaving now.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

It sounds like you have given this some thought - but will it be safe for you to tell him in person and then just leave? How big a problem will it be to return for more of your things? Would it be better to move more out before you tell him?

Do you have financial things in order? Do you have your own checking account? Have you moved money there? Is your phone in your name? Are there any accounts that he can close without your signature? I think you can see where I'm going with this - make sure you are protected financially.

I'm so sorry you are in the position. But you deserve so much better.

Needalifeboat's picture

He can't give me a problem with coming back, my name is on the lease too and I'll be taking a copy with me. We have a joint account but I also have a separate account. I already called domestics to have my CS cancelled from going into that joint one. All the money in that account is technically his right now and my name is on it. He doesn't even know the login for online banking.

My phone is in his name along with my daughters. So I have to figure that out. You know what, he put me as a person who can speak on the account, I'll call and see if the two phones can be broken off into a new account.

Thank you, I wouldn't have thought of that!

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Your welcome! Sometimes my tendency to always think the worst turns out to be helpful! Try to protect yourself against anything he might do to "get back at you" - or to to just make things more difficult for you.

MissElphaba's picture

I agree with this - don't give him the chance to try and talk you out of it or even guilt you into thinking it's your fault. You've had enough! That counselor sounds like a hack who doesn't understand stepfamilies. That little girl knows what she's doing, and everyone around her is more than happy to just allow her on that pathway...not fair to you or your kids. Glad you have a plan and support to get you through it.

Needalifeboat's picture

I'll have to just take what I need for now tomorrow to my parent's house. Then over the weekend while he's at work they'll come help me get more stuff and my ex will keep the kids occupied with him.

I'm going to have to figure out a storage facility and moving truck but for now I just need to run. I can't take anymore.

Needalifeboat's picture

I did, he needed to know because of the kids. He said he's sorry it didn't work out but we'll get me through this and he has my back.

Needalifeboat's picture

Smile Thank you! I have zero friends in "real life" that understand anything about stepfamilies. If I didn't have people like you to talk to on here I'd completely lose it!

And also this site has given me enough insight to know that the counselor was crazy to expect that of me. 6 months ago I would have gone along with it. And continued living in misery in my own home.

Needalifeboat's picture

She told me I'm taking it to personally. Ummm hello, it is personal. She's only an asshole to me and my kids!

Needalifeboat's picture

Exactly! It's me and my feelings and I'm allowed to have them. She's telling us I need to just take her crap and be extra nice to her? I'm sorry but that's not how I was raised. And not how I'm raising my kids. You treat people well or they have a right to walk out of your life. And if people don't treat you well, you stay away. The end.

Thanks for the support. Thank god for my parents, I'll have some peace there.

Needalifeboat's picture

Thank you! And that's the best thing, we're not married, just living together. I'm so glad I'm doing this now before I made the mistake of committing to marriage with this guy.

Hanny's picture

Good luck, don't let him suck you back in! This kid is 14, old enough to know better! Your counselor sucks!

EFlores90's picture

Oh my god. I can only imagine what you are going through. I agree with a previous post that you shouldn't even tell him you're leaving. Clearly he knows exactly what you need from him and he's not giving it to you. You are also clearly working on your relationship being going to counseling. I say put your foot down and make him realize what it would be like not to have you.
Good luck! I hope we get an update as to how it went

ChiefGrownup's picture

What a ludicrous thing to do, leave the 14 year old at the grownups table while he horned in on the kiddies table and forced you to, as well.

If I had been the hostess of that get together, I would have simply put an end to that I don't care how big a man he is. Sorry, Cousin Mr. Lifeboat, no 14 year olds at this table!

On behalf of all the adults who had to sit next to Teen Princess, I cringe.

Even if that is all I knew of your story, that would tell me enough. Plus, your counselor is even stupider than mine was. What a blurry-eyed, fuzzy-brained idiot.