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please watch this video

need2vent's picture

I know of at least 3 of us on here who have a child/stepchild with autism.
This is a fundraiser that raises awareness and is very touching, I have seen several versions,all equally wonderful.
Autism Speaks/Five for Fighting Video
> The band, Five for Fighting, is generously donating $0.40 to
> Autism Speaks for *each time* the video is viewed. The funding
> goes toward research studies to help find a cure. When you have a
> moment, please visit the link below to watch the video and pass
> it along to your friends and family. It is a great & sad video.
> They are aiming for 10,000 hits, but hopefully we can help them
> to surpass this goal.
> Link to the site:


Chel Bell's picture

that was amazing, we all need to support this. Chel

everythinghappens4areason's picture

My beautiful nephew is Autistic......and it has been a challenge for him & all of us as well. He has been fortunate enough to attend a good school to allow him to have a future. God Bless all these other children.