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never sincere

MorethanSM's picture

Ugh BM called and I was talking to FSD4 when BM get on with a monotone voice saying "thanks for taking care of her, bye" then my FDH tells me her dad drilled into her that she needs to be greatful towards me cuz I do so much for FSD. Yea I appreciate her saying anything at all.but she's an adult she needs to do it cuz its the right thing to do not cuz shes TOLD to do it!!


MorethanSM's picture

I don't just take care of FSD4 on FDH time I watch her when BM gets into nasty arguments with her ex and it becomes unsafe for FSD4, when she gets arrested,when "her car breaks down" and she can't get her, when she has more important things to do! I take care of this child 85% of the time and that was the first thank you I got from her. I'm raising her child and she doesn't seem to give a shit cuz when her time comes she buys FSD4 a pet or presents to make up for when she was gone so I'm the bad guy teaching her right from wrong and BM gets to be the hero for a few days with no rules and presents. Suckks

MorethanSM's picture

technically CO says they share equal time during the week like half and half but BM only sees her Fri afternoon to sun morning every other week and FDH works from 7-4 mon-fri so that's why I'm with her majority of the time