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It's been a while, and I've missed my STalkers!

MissDirected's picture

It's been about 6mo since I've been on and a lot has happened. DS and I have moved into our own home. It's been great just the two of us! I am STILL waiting for insurance to approve my back surgery. It's a very new procedure, so my insurance still considers it Experimental. So, fingers crossed, they will approve it soon, because I have been in pain too long.

Ex SO and I continued talking for a while after I moved out and actually contemplated working things out. But in the end I knew regardless of how I felt for him, it would never work with SD15, and most importantly, I couldn't put my DS back into that situation. Dating at 40 is simply dreadful! So, I think I'll be living single for a while!

So, here I am... No longer a Step Mom. Hopefully I can still sit with you guys at the cool kids table though. Wink


Indigo's picture

Glad to hear that you and DS are safe and in your own space. Wish insurance would give the OK for surgery, sorry to hear that it's dragging on for you.

You consistently give good advice, so there are many of us who can benefit from your perspective and experience. Drag up a chair.

Tuff Noogies's picture

welcome back!!! and of course, by all means, stick around! anyone who has had stepparenting experiece has insights to share to those of us living it currently. plus we're just fun Wink Blum 3 }:)

Maxwell09's picture

I love to read when posters come back after steplife and update us! Y'all are the light at the end of the alternative tunnel.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I'm 40. amen to the awesomeness that is not being a step mom to a teen girl anymore. Amen to the crappy dating scene. and Amen for staying on steptalk. I have nothing whatsoever to blog about but here I am still.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

What that man put you through during your mother's last illness was awful, and had nothing to do with his daughter. I am so glad you've removed him from your life!