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Ex wife

Milannye's picture

My husband has 4 adult children. His ex is not remarried. When his kids are in the area we often offer to take them out to supper in order to spend time with them. They ALWAYS bring their mother! We didn't invite her, nor do we want her there. My husband doesn't know how to tell the kids that for fear of them not having anything to do with him.
I think someone needs to say something.... I think she needs to know she shouldn't come...

Would you want your spouses ex to come ? How would you handle it?


JAMS2011's picture

We deal with this only it's not the adult children that invite her to everything because the children are young but its my in laws who invite her to everything because they don't want her feel offended that she isn't a part of the family anymore.
The fact of the matter is there is nothing YOU can do about it only YOUR HUSBAND can do something about it. Your husband has to tell the kids that they are invited and it is an invitation only kind of thing. It might make people uncomfortable at first but boundaries have to be established. Boundaries also need to be respected and the fact of the matter is, regardless of if BM is nice or not, she knows that she doesn't belong there but she is pushing the boundaries.
In my situation the BM goes to things because she knows we think its weird and she just does it because she can. She even shows up at family reunions sometimes. I've learned that there is nothing you can do about it. Maybe take the kids out individually. She won't come then.

Willow2010's picture

Wow..just wow. I kind of understand your DH's dilemma. One...he has never said anything before so he does not want to start now. BUUUUT...he needs to put a stop to it anyway.

He needs to sit his kids down and tell them that next time he invites them all out for dinner he really wants it to just be them and the grans kids. Not their mother. He understands why they think they need their mother to come, but he really just wants to spend time with his kids and not his ex wife. Nothing against their mother, but he would rather spend time with them independent of her.

Would he be willing to do that or is he too scared. Are the kids that bad that they would actually get mad about this?

Milannye's picture

I agree with 100%. You put it exactly right. Should be just like that, can't get anyone here to have the balls to do it:(

Milannye's picture

She isn't married... One of his kids is nice to me the rest ignore me and so does the ex because I have been trying to get this stopped, and they just do it anyway..... Only if the see us at our house does not come. But then they won't stay long because she is home alone so they go back to her olace

Milannye's picture

No cabs in the country.
I leave and the kids are happy, they have mommy and daddy to themselves!

callmedone's picture

What gall. BM is way out of line and most likely knows it, but continues to pull this crap simply because she hasn't been called out on it. And she will continue to butt into your marriage and family until someone draws the line with her. I'd give my husband one chance to set her straight, but if he was unable to do it, for whatever reason (he need not fear the children will ditch him.. that's highly unlikely to happen as long as they think there's something in it for them), I'd absolutely get that mess sorted out myself. Your DH has no right whatsoever to even expect you to put up with that crap.

What they're doing is pure BS. And if it's not stopped NOW you'll be dealing with this BS forever. At some point, you're going to have to take a stand. Believe me.. taking that stand now is better than taking it after years of abuse from skids and BM. And this IS abuse. Call it for what it is. If it turns out DH doesn't have your back on this.. so much better to know this sooner rather than later. Forty nine years I played nice and put up with similar BS. NO MORE. Finally hit my quota lol

Milannye's picture

We have tried stopping it and she comes anyway...
We even tell the waitress we are not paying for her and she comes anyway...

Milannye's picture

Wow wow wow, see I thought so! At least I don't feel like I am the one person that thinks this is crap!
It has gone on for almost 7 years.... I try to put a stop to it by not going, but husband goes anyway. For awhile we would meet his daughter (25 yr old) for supper in town and last second she would say, can mom come or mom would just show up... Which is usually what she does. We have had the waitress put her food on her own ticket.. She still comes. We have told the kids we really don't want her to come along and then they do this silent treatment. Then when that blows over we figure they got the message and here she comes again.... I have put my foot down on the daughter and mommy dinners in town and for some reason the push for it doesn't happen anymore.

Husbands one daughter in law is a witch, and son and her have 2 kids... We rock the boat and she withhold the kids from him. Pretty much why he doesn't standup to them...

I keep thinking I should round up the kids ex boyfriends and girlfriends and have a big gettogether! I know I should stand up and say something then when hubby doesn't get to see his grandchildren, how does a marriage survive that....

Wish there was a answer....
One of the kids is getting married this summer, ugh, I so don't want to attend because I won't be spoken to, his ex will be all over this whole thing !

callmedone's picture

Well, all I can tell you is what I would do NOW (after a life time of putting up with this kind of abusive crap) under the same circumstances. If she shows up after DH and you have told/requested skids not to bring her.. you and your DH should simply exit the scene. Apparently they're 'not getting it' because they don't want to get it and because the showing up crap has been working for them. Under NO circumstances would I not go.. you need to be there to protect your own best interest. If your husband really wants to have a relationship with his adult kids and grandchildren, HE is way past due in laying down some ground rules with them. Most likely you wouldn't be where you are now had HE drawn a few reasonable boundaries to begin with. Remember YOU count too.

Have no idea how marriages stand up to this either, but I promise you I sure as hell didn't sign up for this (and I suspect you didn't either). Fwiw, I'm in a marriage that should have ended years ago.. I deserved better and frankly, as for my DH and his ex, those two idiots deserved each other.

As for the 'silent treatment'.. enjoy! And pray that it lasts..

Milannye's picture

Appreciate what you have said... Looks like I have talking and thinking to do... Hopefully it all results in answers... No one wins:(