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new step dad

mark898989360's picture

Hi just got maried a month ago.Mywife is 27 i'm 23.She has seven year old daughter thatlove with all my heart.I dont have any children so this is a big changes for me, Her dad is still in her life so i'm not a replacement or anything. I'm wonding what to excpect any tips suggestions would be apperciated.thanks


AllSmiles's picture

let her parents do that. Obviously you won't let her juggle butcher knives but you can't be the one to set rules for her. Whatever you do (and remember this 8 years from now), don't use any line that starts "In my house, you will....."

other than that, treat her like you would want to be treated.

good luck!

"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." General George S. Patton

Crizzle's picture

I agree with allsmiles. Leave the discipline to the bioparents. She will only come to resent you if you try to discipline her. Like she said, intervene if a situation is dangerous, but otherwise it's best if you take a back seat and let mom handle everything else. I'm not saying don't be involved. Definitely be a family, just don't try to parent too much; be more of a friend. I wish I had.

"One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others." ~Moliere